
DataParallelCommunicator enables to train your neural network using multiple devices. It is normally used for gradients exchange in data parallel distributed training. Basically, there are two types of distributed training in Neural Network literature: Data Parallel and Model Parallel. Here we only focus on the former, Data Parallel Training. Data Parallel Distributed Training is based on the very simple equation used for the optimization of a neural network called (Mini-Batch) Stochastic Gradient Descent.


\[f(\mathbf{w}; X) = \frac{1}{B \times N} \sum_{i=1}^{B \times N} \ell(\mathbf{w}, \mathbf{x}_i),\]

ここで、 \(f\) はニューラルネットワーク、 \(B \times N\) はバッチサイズ、 \(\ell\) はそれぞれのデータポイント \(\mathbf{x} \in X\) に対する loss 関数、 \(\mathbf{w}\) はニューラルネットワークの学習可能なパラメータを表しています。


\[\nabla_{\mathbf{w}} f(\mathbf{w}; X) = \frac{1}{B \times N} \sum_{i=1}^{B \times N} \nabla_{\mathbf{w}} \ell (\mathbf{w}, \mathbf{x}_i).\]

この導関数は線形なので、上記の目的関数を各 \(B\) データポイントにおける導関数の合計の総和に変えることができます。

\[\nabla_{\mathbf{w}} f(\mathbf{w}; X) = \frac{1}{N} \left( \frac{1}{B} \sum_{i=1}^{B} \nabla_{\mathbf{w}} \ell (\mathbf{w}, \mathbf{x}_i) \ + \frac{1}{B} \sum_{i=B+1}^{B \times 2} \nabla_{\mathbf{w}} \ell (\mathbf{w}, \mathbf{x}_i) \ + \ldots \ + \frac{1}{B} \sum_{i=B \times (N-1) + 1}^{B \times N} \nabla_{\mathbf{w}} \ell (\mathbf{w}, \mathbf{x}_i) \right)\]


  1. 各項ごとに、導関数 ( 勾配 ) の合計をバッチサイズ \(B\) で割る計算を個別のデバイス ( 一般的には GPU ) で行い、

  2. それらのデバイスの結果を総和し、

  3. その結果をデバイスの個数 \(N\) で割ります。


このチュートリアルでは、とても簡単なサンプルを使って、データ並列分散学習に対する Multi Process Data Parallel Communicator の使い方を示します。


このチュートリアルは IPython Cluster に依拠しているため、次のような Jupyter Notebook のスクリプトの抜粋を実行する場合は、 ここ に従い mpiexec/mpirun モードを有効し、Ipython Clusters タブで対応する Ipython Cluster を起動します。


以下のコードは、 Jupyter Notebook を用いるこのチュートリアル のみ で必要となります。

import ipyparallel as ipp
rc = ipp.Client(profile='mpi')


import os
import time

import nnabla as nn
import nnabla.communicators as C
from nnabla.ext_utils import get_extension_context
import nnabla.functions as F
from nnabla.initializer import (
import nnabla.parametric_functions as PF
import nnabla.solvers as S
import numpy as np


extension_module = "cudnn"
ctx = get_extension_context(extension_module)
comm = C.MultiProcessCommunicator(ctx)
n_devices = comm.size
mpi_rank = comm.rank
device_id = mpi_rank
ctx = get_extension_context(extension_module, device_id=device_id)




# Data points setting
n_class = 2
b, c, h, w = 4, 1, 32, 32

# Data points
x_data = np.random.rand(b, c, h, w)
y_data = np.random.choice(n_class, b).reshape((b, 1))
x = nn.Variable(x_data.shape)
y = nn.Variable(y_data.shape)
x.d = x_data
y.d = y_data

# Network setting
C = 1
kernel = (3, 3)
pad = (1, 1)
stride = (1, 1)
rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
w_init = UniformInitializer(
                    calc_uniform_lim_glorot(C, C/2, kernel=(1, 1)),
# Network
with nn.context_scope(ctx):
    h = PF.convolution(x, C, kernel, pad, stride, w_init=w_init)
    pred = PF.affine(h, n_class, w_init=w_init)
    loss = F.mean(F.softmax_cross_entropy(pred, y))

留意事項 ここでは、最適化プロセスにおいて、各 GPU のネットワークが学習可能なパラメータ同士の同じ値から開始できるように w_init をパラメトリック関数に渡しています。

Solver の作成

# Solver and add parameters
solver = S.Adam()


ニューラルネットワークを学習するための nnabla API の基本的な使い方を思い出しましょう。

  1. loss.forward()

  2. solver.zero_grad()

  3. loss.backward()

  4. solver.update()

C.MultiProcessCommunicator を使用する場合、これらのステップは異なる GPU で実行され、これらのステップと 唯一異なる のは comm.all_reduce() です。従って、 C.MultiProcessCommunicator の場合、学習のステップは次のようになります。

  1. loss.forward()

  2. solver.zero_grad()

  3. loss.backward()

  4. comm.all_reduce([x.grad for x in nn.get_parameters().values()])

  5. solver.update()

まず、順方向、 zero_grad 、そして逆方向。

# Training steps


for n, v in nn.get_parameters().items():
    print(n, v.g)
('conv/W', array([[[[ 5.0180483,  0.457942 , -2.8701296],
         [ 2.0715926,  3.0698593, -1.6650047],
         [-2.5591214,  6.4248834,  9.881935 ]]]], dtype=float32))
('conv/b', array([8.658947], dtype=float32))
('affine/W', array([[-0.93160367,  0.9316036 ],
       [-1.376812  ,  1.376812  ],
       [-1.8957546 ,  1.8957543 ],
       [-0.33000934,  0.33000934],
       [-0.7211893 ,  0.72118926],
       [-0.25237036,  0.25237036]], dtype=float32))
('affine/b', array([-0.48865744,  0.48865741], dtype=float32))
('conv/W', array([[[[ -1.2505884 ,  -0.87151337,  -8.685524  ],
         [ 10.738419  ,  14.676786  ,   7.483423  ],
         [  5.612471  , -12.880402  ,  19.141157  ]]]], dtype=float32))
('conv/b', array([13.196114], dtype=float32))
('affine/W', array([[-1.6865108 ,  1.6865108 ],
       [-0.938529  ,  0.938529  ],
       [-1.028422  ,  1.028422  ],
       [-0.98217344,  0.98217344],
       [-0.97528917,  0.97528917],
       [-0.413546  ,  0.413546  ]], dtype=float32))
('affine/b', array([-0.7447065,  0.7447065], dtype=float32))

それぞれのデバイスで異なる値を確認できたら、 all_reduce を呼び出します。

comm.all_reduce([x.grad for x in nn.get_parameters().values()], division=True)

一般に、 all_reduce は合計を意味するだけですが、 comm.all_reduce は合計と加算除算どちらの場合にも対応します。


for n, v in nn.get_parameters().items():
    print(n, v.g)
('conv/W', array([[[[ 1.8837299 , -0.20678568, -5.777827  ],
         [ 6.4050055 ,  8.8733225 ,  2.9092093 ],
         [ 1.5266749 , -3.2277591 , 14.511546  ]]]], dtype=float32))
('conv/b', array([21.85506], dtype=float32))
('affine/W', array([[-2.6181145,  2.6181145],
       [-2.315341 ,  2.315341 ],
       [-2.9241767,  2.9241762],
       [-1.3121828,  1.3121828],
       [-1.6964785,  1.6964784],
       [-0.6659163,  0.6659163]], dtype=float32))
('affine/b', array([-1.233364 ,  1.2333639], dtype=float32))
('conv/W', array([[[[ 1.8837299 , -0.20678568, -5.777827  ],
         [ 6.4050055 ,  8.8733225 ,  2.9092093 ],
         [ 1.5266749 , -3.2277591 , 14.511546  ]]]], dtype=float32))
('conv/b', array([21.85506], dtype=float32))
('affine/W', array([[-2.6181145,  2.6181145],
       [-2.315341 ,  2.315341 ],
       [-2.9241767,  2.9241762],
       [-1.3121828,  1.3121828],
       [-1.6964785,  1.6964784],
       [-0.6659163,  0.6659163]], dtype=float32))
('affine/b', array([-1.233364 ,  1.2333639], dtype=float32))

all_reduce を使うことで、これらのデバイス上で同じ値を確認できます。



これで、データ並列分散学習に対する C.MultiProcessDataCommunicator の使用については終了です。

さて、 C.MultiProcessCommunicator の使い方について理解できたら、さらに詳細については 以下の cifar10 example を参照してください。

  1. classification.py


Advanced Topics

When working with multiple nodes with multiple devices (e.g. GPUs), one or a few of them might stop response for some special cases. When your training process originally takes time, it is hard to identify the elapsed time is in training or for dead device.

In current implementation, we introduced the watch dog in all_reduce(). When any node or any device stop response, the watch dog will raise an exception. The typical time for all_reduce() is 60 seconds. It means the process in any node or any device cannot wait at all_reduce() for more than 60 seconds, otherwise, some node or device might highly definitely stop response.

The watch dog is default disabled, if want to enable it, please set environment variable NNABLA_MPI_WATCH_DOG_ENABLE to any none-zero value:


But in practice, some task required to be performed on one a few of nodes, and let other nodes wait there. If no explicitly sychronization, the watch dog might be unexpectedly triggered. As the following:

extension_module = "cudnn"
type_config = "float"
ctx = get_extension_context(extension_module, type_config=type_config)
comm = C.MultiProcessDataParalellCommunicator(ctx)

if comm.rank == 0:
   ...  # Here, we do some task on node 0

if comm.rank != 0:
   ...  # here, we do some task on other nodes

 # Till here, multiple nodes has different progress

 for d in data_iterator():
     comm.all_reduce(...)  # Here, since different nodes has different
                           # start points, all_reduce() might trigger
                           # watch dog timeout exception.

In order to avoid above unexpected exception, we have to explicitly set the synchronization point.

extension_module = "cudnn"
type_config = "float"
ctx = get_extension_context(extension_module, type_config=type_config)
comm = C.MultiProcessDataParalellCommunicator(ctx)

if comm.rank == 0:
   ...  # Here, we do some task on node 0

if comm.rank != 0:
   ...  # here, we do some task on other nodes

 comm.barrier()  # we placed the synchronization point immediate before
                 # comm.all_reduce().

 for d in data_iterator():
     comm.all_reduce(...) # The wait time at all_reduce() should be strictly
                          # limited in a relative short time.

We placed the synchronization point immediately before comm.all_reduce(), which means that we knew comm.all_reduce() should be perform synchronously after this point. Thus, we may ensure the whole training can be performed stably and not need to wait forever due to a corrupted process.

When watch dog is enabled, developers may also change the timeout time if they think the default timeout time (default is 60s) is not proper. The timeout can be set by the following:


The time unit is second. Here, 30 means 30 seconds. It means if any node stops response for more than 30 seconds, the watch dog will kill the training process and show fatal error message.