Quantization Aware Training


Configuration for quantization aware training.

class nnabla.utils.qnn.QATConfig[source]

Bases: object

class RecorderPosition(value)[source]

Bases: Enum

Position to add recorder for function.


Add recoder only before a function

BOTH = 1

Add recoder before/after a function

class RoundingMethod(value)[source]

Bases: Enum

Round method of scale


round up. e.g. ceil(9.4) = 10


round down. e.g. floor(9.5) = 9


not round


round. e.g. round(9.4) = 9, round(9.5) = 10

bn_folding = False

Enable Batch Normalization Folding. Note that sometimes this can cause the training become unstable.

bn_self_folding = False

Enable Batch Normalization Self-Folding. Note that sometimes this can cause the training become unstable.

channel_last = False

Enable channel last (channel_first is only supported now)

channel_wise = False

Enable channel-wise quantization



alias of int8

ext_name = 'cudnn'

Extension Context. ‘cpu’, ‘cuda’ or ‘cudnn’

learning_rate_scale = 0.1

QAT Learning_rate = NonQNN Learning_rate * learning_rate_scale. Recommend setting it to 0.1 or 0.01

narrow_range = False

Narrow the lower-bound (e.g., when in int8, -128 -> -127)

niter_to_recording = 0

Step start to record

niter_to_training = -1

Step start to QAT. The number of steps between recording and training should be greater than the number of steps of one epoch training.

pow2 = 'ROUND'

Member of nnabla.utils.qnn.QATConfig.RoundingMethod. Round the scale to power-of-2. If you want to deploy the model with tensorrt, please enable this.

record_layers = []

list of nnabla function names. Recording layers. If empty, add recoders to all layers. Otherwise, only add recoders to functions in record_layers.


One of nnabla.utils.qnn.MinMaxMinMaxRecorderCallback, nnabla.utils.qnn.AbsMaxRecorderCallback, nnabla.utils.qnn.MinMaxMvaRecorderCallback, nnabla.utils.qnn.MaxMaxRecorderCallback, nnabla.utils.qnn.MaxMvaRecorderCallback Recorder of activation

alias of MaxMvaRecorderCallback

recorder_position = 0

Member of nnabla.utils.qnn.QATConfig.RecorderPosition. Recorder position


One of nnabla.utils.qnn.MinMaxMinMaxRecorderCallback, nnabla.utils.qnn.AbsMaxRecorderCallback, nnabla.utils.qnn.MinMaxMvaRecorderCallback, nnabla.utils.qnn.MaxMaxRecorderCallback, nnabla.utils.qnn.MaxMvaRecorderCallback Recorder of weight

alias of MinMaxMinMaxRecorderCallback

round_mode = 'HALF_TO_EVEN'

Round mode of quantize layer

skip_bias = False

Skip quantizing bias of Affine and bias of the Convolution function family

skip_inputs_layers = ['Convolution', 'Deconvolution']

List of nnabla function name. Skip quantizing inputs layers of network

skip_outputs_layers = ['Affine']

List of nnabla function name. Skip quantizing outputs layers of network

zero_point = False

Use zero-point (asymmetric) or not use (symmetric)


The default quantization aware training Configuration that meets the requirements of TensorRT.

class nnabla.utils.qnn.QATTensorRTConfig[source]
bn_folding = True

Enable Batch Normalization Folding. Note that sometimes this can cause the training become unstable.

bn_self_folding = True

Enable Batch Normalization Self-Folding. Note that sometimes this can cause the training become unstable.

pow2 = 'ROUND'

Member of nnabla.utils.qnn.QATConfig.RoundingMethod. Round the scale to power-of-2. If you want to deploy the model with tensorrt, please enable this.

record_layers = ['Convolution', 'Deconvolution', 'Affine', 'BatchMatmul', 'ReLU']

list of nnabla function names. Recording layers. If empty, add recoders to all layers. Otherwise, only add recoders to functions in record_layers.


class nnabla.utils.qnn.QATScheduler(config=<nnabla.utils.qnn.QATTensorRTConfig object>, solver=None)[source]

Bases: object

Scheduler for quantization aware training.



from nnabla.utils.qnn import QATScheduler, QATConfig, PrecisionMode

# Set configuration
config = QATConfig()
config.bn_folding = True
config.bn_self_folding = True
config.channel_last = False
config.precision_mode = PrecisionMode.SIM_QNN
config.niter_to_recording = 1
config.niter_to_training = 500

qat_scheduler = QATScheduler(config=config, solver=solver)

# convert graph to enable quantization aware training.
qat_scheduler(pred) # pred is the output variable of training network
qat_scheduler(vpred, training=False) # vpred is the output variable of evaluation network

# Training loop
for i in range(training_step):

    # Your training code here

# save quantized nnp
qat_scheduler.save('qnn.np', vimage, deploy=False) # vimage is the input variable of network
save(fname, inputs, batch_size=1, net_name='net', deploy=False)[source]

Save QAT network model to NNP file as default.

  • fname (str) – NNP file name.

  • inputs (nnabla.Variable or list of nnabla.Variable) – Network inputs variables.

  • batch_size (int) – batch size.

  • net_name (str) – network name.

  • deploy (bool) – Whether to apply QNN deployment conversion. deploy=True is not supported yet.




Step in the state of QNN. According to the number of iterations in config.