

class nnabla.experimental.viewers.SimpleGraph(format='png', verbose=False, fname_color_map=None, vname_color_map=None)[ソース]

Simple Graph with GraphViz.


import nnabla as nn
import nnabla.functions as F
import nnabla.parametric_functions as PF

import nnabla.experimental.viewers as V

# Model definition
def network(image, test=False):
    h = image
    h /= 255.0
    h = PF.convolution(h, 16, kernel=(3, 3), pad=(1, 1), name="conv")
    h = PF.batch_normalization(h, name="bn", batch_stat=not test)
    h = F.relu(h)
    pred = PF.affine(h, 10, name='fc')
    return pred

# Model
image = nn.Variable([4, 3, 32, 32])
pred = network(image, test=False)

# Graph Viewer
graph = V.SimpleGraph(verbose=False)
graph.view(pred), "sample_grpah")

If the parameters are module-scoped, for example, the pred comes from a module output, parameters should be obtained beforehand then passed to view():


import nnabla as nn
import nnabla.functions as F
from nnabla.core.modules import ConvBn

import nnabla.experimental.viewers as V

class TSTNetNormal(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        self.conv_bn_1 = ConvBn(1)
        self.conv_bn_2 = ConvBn(1)

    def call(self, x1, x2):
        y1 = self.conv_bn_1(x1)
        y2 = self.conv_bn_2(x2)
        y = F.concatenate(y1, y2, axis=1)
        return y

tnd = TSTNetNormal()

v1 = nn.Variable((4, 3, 32, 32))
v2 = nn.Variable((4, 3, 32, 32))

ya = tnd(v1, v2)

graph = V.SimpleGraph(verbose=False)
graph.view(ya, params=tnd.get_parameters(grad_only=False))
create_graphviz_digraph(vleaf, params=None, format=None)[ソース]

Create a graphviz.Digraph object given the leaf variable of a computation graph.

One of nice things of getting Digraph directly is that the drawn graph can be displayed inline in a Jupyter notebook as described in Graphviz documentation.

  • vleaf (nnabla.Variable) -- End variable. All variables and functions which can be traversed from this variable are shown in the reuslt.

  • params (dict) -- The parameters dictionary, it can be obtained by nn.get_parameters().

  • format (str) -- Force overwrite format ('pdf', 'png', ...)) configuration.

Returns: graphviz.Digraph

save(vleaf, fpath, cleanup=False, format=None)[ソース]

Save the graph to a given file path.

  • vleaf (nnabla.Variable) -- End variable. All variables and functions which can be traversed from this variable are shown in the reuslt.

  • fpath (str) -- The file path used to save.

  • cleanup (bool) -- Clean up the source file after rendering. Default is False.

  • format (str) -- Force overwrite format ('pdf', 'png', ...)) configuration.

view(vleaf, fpath=None, cleanup=True, format=None, params=None)[ソース]

View the graph.

  • vleaf (nnabla.Variable) -- End variable. All variables and functions which can be traversed from this variable are shown in the reuslt.

  • fpath (str) -- The file path used to save.

  • cleanup (bool) -- Clean up the source file after rendering. Default is True.

  • format (str) -- Force overwrite format ('pdf', 'png', ...)) configuration.

  • params (dict) -- Parameter dictionary, which can be obtained by get_parameters() function. Default is None. If params is None, global parameters are obtained.