nnabla.parameter のソースコード

# Copyright (c) 2017 Sony Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from six import iteritems

from contextlib import contextmanager
from collections import OrderedDict
import google.protobuf.text_format as text_format
import numpy
import os
import shutil
import tempfile
import zipfile

import nnabla as nn
from nnabla.logger import logger
import nnabla.utils.nnabla_pb2 as nnabla_pb2
from nnabla.utils.get_file_handle import get_parameter_file_loader, load_files, FileHandlerContext
from nnabla.utils.get_file_handle import get_file_handle_save, get_parameter_file_savers, save_files

# TODO temporary work around to suppress FutureWarning message.
import warnings
warnings.simplefilter('ignore', category=FutureWarning)

current_scope = OrderedDict()
root_scope = current_scope

[ドキュメント]def get_current_parameter_scope(): """Returns current parameter scope. """ global current_scope return current_scope
[ドキュメント]@contextmanager def parameter_scope(name, scope=None): """ Grouping parameters registered by parametric functions listed in :mod:`nnabla.parametric_functions`. Args: name (str): Parameter scope name. scope (OrderedDict, optional): Specify current parameter scope as a local dictionary. The default value is ``None``. In this case, the current parameter scope maintained in global is used. Example: .. code-block:: python import nnabla as nn import nnabla.parametric_functions as PF import nnabla.functions as F with nn.parameter_scope('conv1'): conv_out1 = PF.convolution(x, 32, (5, 5)) bn_out1 = PF.batch_normalization(conv_out1) act_out1 = F.relu(bn_out1) with nn.parameter_scope('conv2'): conv_out2 = PF.convolution(act_out1, 64, (3, 3)) bn_out2 = PF.batch_normalization(conv_out2) act_out2 = F.relu(bn_out2) Nesting `with` blocks allows you to nest parameter scopes. This can also be done by using "/" inside the parameter names. Example: .. code-block:: python with nn.parameter_scope('network1'): with nn.parameter_scope('conv1'): conv_out1 = PF.convolution(x, 32, (5, 5)) bn_out1 = PF.batch_normalization(conv_out1) act_out1 = F.relu(bn_out1) with nn.parameter_scope('conv2'): conv_out2 = PF.convolution(act_out1, 64, (3, 3)) bn_out2 = PF.batch_normalization(conv_out2) act_out2 = F.relu(bn_out2) is equivalent to .. code-block:: python with nn.parameter_scope('network1/conv1'): conv_out1 = PF.convolution(x, 32, (5, 5)) bn_out1 = PF.batch_normalization(conv_out1) act_out1 = F.relu(bn_out1) with nn.parameter_scope('network1/conv2'): conv_out2 = PF.convolution(act_out1, 64, (3, 3)) bn_out2 = PF.batch_normalization(conv_out2) act_out2 = F.relu(bn_out2) """ global current_scope names = name.strip('/').split('/') if not names: raise ValueError( 'Invalid argument of parameter_scope("{}").'.format(name)) prev_scope = current_scope if scope is None: scope = current_scope else: if not isinstance(scope, dict): raise ValueError( 'Scope must be a dictionary. {} is given.'.format(type(scope))) for name in names: parent_scope = scope # When name is empty, the given scope is used as a current scope. if name: # Creates a new scope dict if it doesn't exist. # `dict.get` returns default value (OrderedDict()) # if scope contains `name` scope = scope.get(name, OrderedDict()) assert isinstance(scope, dict) parent_scope[name] = scope current_scope = scope try: yield current_scope finally: current_scope = prev_scope
def get_parameter(key): names = key.split('/') if len(names) > 1: with parameter_scope(names[0]): return get_parameter('/'.join(names[1:])) global current_scope param = current_scope.get(key, None) if param is not None: assert isinstance(param, nn.Variable) return param def pop_parameter(key): """Remove and get parameter by key. Args: key(str): Key of parameter. Returns: ~nnabla.Variable Parameter if key found, otherwise None. """ names = key.split('/') if len(names) > 1: with parameter_scope(names[0]): return pop_parameter('/'.join(names[1:])) global current_scope param = current_scope.get(key, None) if param is not None: del current_scope[key] return param def set_parameter(key, param): names = key.split('/') if len(names) > 1: with parameter_scope(names[0]): return set_parameter('/'.join(names[1:]), param) global current_scope current_scope[names[0]] = param def _create_parameter_by_initializer(initializer, shape, need_grad): # If initializer is not set, just returns a new variable with zeros. if initializer is None: assert shape is not None param = nn.Variable(shape, need_grad=need_grad) param.data.zero() # Initialize with zero. return param # Initialize by a numpy array. if isinstance(initializer, numpy.ndarray): # numpy init assert (shape is None) or (tuple(shape) == initializer.shape) return nn.Variable.from_numpy_array( initializer, need_grad=need_grad) # Initialize by Initializer or callable object which takes shape as an argument. if callable(initializer): assert shape is not None return nn.Variable.from_numpy_array( initializer(shape=list(map(int, shape))), need_grad=need_grad) # Invalid initialzier argument. raise ValueError( "`initializer` must be either the :obj:`numpy.ndarray`" " or an instance inherited from `nnabla.initializer.BaseInitializer`.")
[ドキュメント]def get_parameter_or_create(name, shape=None, initializer=None, need_grad=True, as_need_grad=None): """ Returns an existing parameter variable in current parameter scope with the provided name. If a variable with the provided name does not exist, a new variable is created and registered to the current parameter scope with the name, then returned. Args: name(str): The name under the current scope. If it already exists, the name is queried from the parameter manager. shape (:obj:`tuple` of :obj:`int`): Shape of created parameter. The shape of the specified parameter must match with this shape. The default is None which is only valid if initializer is given as an :obj:`numpy.ndarray`. initializer (:obj:`nnabla.initializer.BaseInitializer` or :obj:`numpy.ndarray`): An initialization function to be applied to the parameter. :obj:`numpy.ndarray` can also be given to initialize parameters from numpy array data. need_grad (bool): Register the parameter with the specified ``need_grad`` flag. The default is True. If the flag is different from the previously specified one, the flag will be overwritten, but the values will be kept. as_need_grad (bool): Get a parameter variable with the specified ``need_grad`` flag. Note that this doesn't overwrite the flag of the registered parameter variable with the provided name. Instead, if the given flag mismatches with the previously registered ``need_grad`` flag, it returns a new variable referring to the same array contents but with ``need_grad=as_need_grad``. Note: It returns a `Variable` which is unlinked from the registered one in the current parmeter scope (using :py:meth:`nnabla.Variable.get_unlinked_variable`). That means changing a `need_grad` attribute doesn't affect the variable existing in the current parameter scope. """ # Resolve delimiter '/' in parameter name. names = name.split('/') if len(names) > 1: with parameter_scope(names[0]): return get_parameter_or_create('/'.join(names[1:]), shape, initializer, need_grad, as_need_grad) # Set need_grad if as_need_grad is not specified. if as_need_grad is None: as_need_grad = need_grad # Try to find a existing parameter. param = get_parameter(names[0]) # If found, verify shape and flags, and returns it. if param is not None: if param.shape != tuple(shape): raise ValueError( 'The size of existing parameter "{}" {} is different from the ' 'size of new parameter {}.\n' 'To clear all parameters, call nn.clear_parameters().'.format( name, param.shape, tuple(shape))) if need_grad != param.need_grad: param.need_grad = need_grad set_parameter(name, param) return param.get_unlinked_variable(need_grad=as_need_grad) class VariableInfo: pass info = VariableInfo() info.initializer = initializer # Create a new parameter using specified configuration, # and write it to current scope.. param = _create_parameter_by_initializer(initializer, shape, need_grad) param.info = info set_parameter(name, param) return param.get_unlinked_variable(need_grad=as_need_grad)
[ドキュメント]def get_parameters(params=None, path='', grad_only=True): """Get parameter Variables under the current parameter scope. Args: params (dict): Internal use. User doesn't set it manually. path (str): Internal use. User doesn't set it manually. grad_only (bool): Retrieve all parameters under the current scope if False, while only parameters with need_grad=True are retrieved if True. Returns: dict: {:obj:`str` : :obj:`~nnabla.Variable`} """ global current_scope if params is None: params = OrderedDict() for k, v in iteritems(current_scope): if isinstance(v, dict): with parameter_scope(k): params = get_parameters( params, '/'.join([path, k]) if path else k, grad_only=grad_only) else: assert isinstance(v, nn.Variable) if not grad_only or v.need_grad: params['/'.join([path, k]) if path else k] = v return params
[ドキュメント]def clear_parameters(): """Clear all parameters in the current scope.""" global current_scope for key in list(current_scope.keys()): del current_scope[key]
def set_parameter_from_proto(proto): for parameter in proto.parameter: var = get_parameter_or_create( parameter.variable_name, parameter.shape.dim, need_grad=parameter.need_grad) param = numpy.reshape(parameter.data, parameter.shape.dim) var.d = param
[ドキュメント]def load_parameters(path, proto=None, needs_proto=False, extension=".nntxt"): """Load parameters from a file with the specified format. Args: path : path or file object """ if isinstance(path, str): _, ext = os.path.splitext(path) else: ext = extension ctx = FileHandlerContext() if proto is None: ctx.proto = nnabla_pb2.NNablaProtoBuf() else: ctx.proto = proto ctx.needs_proto = needs_proto # Get parameter file loaders file_loaders = get_parameter_file_loader() load_files(ctx, file_loaders, path, ext) return ctx.proto
[ドキュメント]def save_parameters(path, params=None, extension=None): """Save all parameters into a file with the specified format. Currently hdf5 and protobuf formats are supported. Args: path : path or file object params (dict, optional): Parameters to be saved. Dictionary is of a parameter name (:obj:`str`) to :obj:`~nnabla.Variable`. """ if isinstance(path, str): _, ext = os.path.splitext(path) else: ext = extension ctx = FileHandlerContext() ctx.parameters = get_parameters( grad_only=False) if params is None else params file_savers = get_parameter_file_savers() supported = save_files(ctx, file_savers, path, ext) assert supported, 'Only supported {}.'.format( ','.join(list(file_savers.keys()))) logger.info("Parameter save ({}): {}".format(ext, path))