
nnabla.grad.grad(outputs, inputs, grad_outputs=None, persistent_outputs=[], bind_grad_output=False)[ソース]


grad 関数は入力に対する出力の勾配の和を計算します。

\[g_i = \sum_{j} {\frac{\partial y_j}{\partial x_i}},\]

\(y_j\) は各出力、 \(x_i\) は各入力、 \(g_i\)\(j\) 全体の \(x_i\) に対する \(y_j\) の勾配の和です。

  • outputs (list of Variable or Variable) -- 微分可能な関数の出力。

  • inputs (list of Variable or Variable) -- 計算される出力の勾配に対応する入力。

  • grad_outputs (None, scalar, numpy.ndarray, nnabla.NdArray, or list of scalar, numpy.ndarray, or nnabla.NdArray,) -- Gradient outputs corresponding to outputs. This is same as the grad argument of backward(). Default is None, so 1 is used as the in-coming gradient at the very beginning of the Variable in the backward graph.

  • persistent_outputs (list of bool) -- 出力の persistent フラグを指定します。指定がない場合は、すべての出力は persistent になります。

  • bind_grad_output (bool) -- Bind data to grad of input variable. This is useful for the case where one wants to use the backward graph for training a neural network using the first-order gradients only. Default is False.


List of :obj:`~nnabla.Variable`s.

バックプロパゲーションが入力に到達しなければ、対応する戻り値は None です。

例 :

import nnabla as nn
import nnabla.functions as F
import nnabla.parametric_functions as PF
import numpy as np
from nnabla.ext_utils import get_extension_context

# Context
extension_module = "cudnn"
ctx = get_extension_context(extension_module)

# Input and label
x = nn.Variable.from_numpy_array(np.random.randn(4, 3, 32, 32))
y = nn.Variable.from_numpy_array(np.random.randint(0, 10, 4).reshape(4, 1))

# Network
h = PF.convolution(x, 8, (3, 3), (1, 1), name="conv1")
h = F.relu(h)
h = F.max_pooling(h, (2, 2))
h = PF.convolution(h, 16, (3, 3), (1, 1), name="conv2")
h = F.relu(h)
h = F.max_pooling(h, (2, 2))
p = PF.affine(h, 10, name="pred")
loss = F.mean(F.softmax_cross_entropy(p, y))

# Grad
outputs = [loss]
inputs = nn.get_parameters().values()
grads = nn.grad(outputs, inputs)  # gradients of the parameters

# Double backward of the outputs w.r.t. the parameters by constraining the gradient norms.
gp = sum([F.sum(g ** 2.0) ** 0.5 for g in grads])
loss += gp