Source code for nnabla.utils.qnn

# Open question
# TODO: save in a nice way, the save should be of nnp format
# TODO: address the data format (since int8x32 convolution is normally fastest among large shape)
# TODO: Input data quantize, e.g, input= image do not update scale (min/max) in recording, use 1 / 255 and remove F.mul2_scalar(255)

QNN-specific Functions
import nnabla as nn
import nnabla.functions as F
import numpy as np
import nnabla_ext
import nnabla.experimental.graph_converters as GC

from enum import Enum
from nnabla.function import PythonFunction
from nnabla.initializer import ConstantInitializer

__round_methods__ = {
    'CEIL': np.ceil,
    'ROUND': np.round,
    'FLOOR': np.floor,
    'NOTROUND': None

def _param_exits(param):
    return True if nn.parameter.get_parameter(param) else False

class MinMaxMinMaxRecorder(PythonFunction):
    MinMaxMinMaxRecorder records the min and max of the batch over the training iterations.

    def __init__(self, ctx, training=True):
        super(MinMaxMinMaxRecorder, self).__init__(ctx) = training

    def name(self):
        return self.__class__.__name__

    def min_outputs(self):
        return 1

    def setup_impl(self, inputs, outputs):
        assert len(inputs) == 3, "len(inputs) must be 3; data, min, max."
        x = inputs[0]
        m = inputs[1]
        M = inputs[2]
        assert m.ndim == x.ndim and M.ndim == x.ndim, \
            "ndim of min and max must be same as ndim of data."
        assert == 1 and == 1, \
            "Any dimenstion of the shape of min and max must be 1."
        y = outputs[0]
        y.reset_shape(x.shape, True)
        # inplace
        # =

    def forward_impl(self, inputs, outputs):
        x = inputs[0].data
        m = inputs[1].data
        M = inputs[2].data
        y = outputs[0].data

        if not
        mb = F.min(x, keepdims=True)
        Mb = F.max(x, keepdims=True)
        F.minimum2(m, mb, outputs=[m])
        F.maximum2(M, Mb, outputs=[M])

    def backward_impl(self, inputs, outputs, propagate_down, accum):
        dx = inputs[0].grad
        dy = outputs[0].grad

        if propagate_down[0]:
            if accum[0]:
                dx += dy

    def grad_depends_output_data(self, i, o):
        return False

    def grad_depends_input_data(self, i, j):
        return False

def minmax_minmax_recorder(x, m, M, training=True):
    ctx = nn.get_current_context()
    func = MinMaxMinMaxRecorder(ctx, training)
    return func(x, m, M)

class MinMaxMinMaxRecorderCallback(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self._function = minmax_minmax_recorder

    def name(self):
        n = self.__class__.__name__
        return n[:n.rfind('Callback')]

    def __call__(self, x, axes=[1], training=True, name=''):
        shape = [1] * x.ndim
        m = nn.parameter.get_parameter_or_create('m-{}'.format(name), shape,
        M = nn.parameter.get_parameter_or_create('M-{}'.format(name), shape,
        y = self._function(x, m, M, training=training)
        return y

    def get_scale_zeropoint(x, axes=[1], narrow_range=False, round_method='NOTROUND', name=''):
        # If recorder is not added before Q/DQ, return neither scale nor zp
        if not _param_exits('m-{}'.format(name)) and not _param_exits('M-{}'.format(name)):
            return None, None

        shape = [1] * x.ndim
        m = nn.parameter.get_parameter_or_create('m-{}'.format(name), shape)
        M = nn.parameter.get_parameter_or_create('M-{}'.format(name), shape)

        n_bits = 8
        im = - 2 ** (n_bits - 1)
        iM = 2 ** (n_bits - 1) - 1
        de = (iM - im) if not narrow_range else (iM - (im + 1))

        # MinMaxMinMax, 1e-24 is a small experience value to avoid zero scale
        scale = np.maximum((M.d - m.d), 1e-24) / de

        # round
        _round = __round_methods__[round_method]
        scale = 2 ** (_round(np.log(scale) / np.log(2))
                      ) if _round else scale  # pow2 scale

        # set zeropoint to zero
        zp = np.round((np.zeros_like(m.d) / scale).astype(np.int8))
        zp = nn.parameter.get_parameter_or_create('zeropoint-{}'.format(name),
                                                  zp.shape, zp, False)

        scale = nn.parameter.get_parameter_or_create('scale-{}'.format(name),
                                                     scale.shape, scale, False)

        return scale, zp

class AbsMaxRecorder(PythonFunction):
    AbsMaxRecorder records the max of the aboslute of the batch over the training iterations.

    def __init__(self, ctx, training=True):
        super(AbsMaxRecorder, self).__init__(ctx) = training

    def name(self):
        return self.__class__.__name__

    def min_outputs(self):
        return 1

    def setup_impl(self, inputs, outputs):
        assert len(inputs) == 2, "len(inputs) must be 2; data, abs_max."
        x = inputs[0]
        M = inputs[1]
        assert M.ndim == x.ndim, \
            "ndim of abs_max must be same as ndim of data."
        assert == 1, \
            "Any dimenstion of the shape of min and max must be 1."
        y = outputs[0]
        y.reset_shape(x.shape, True)
        # inplace
        # =

    def forward_impl(self, inputs, outputs):
        x = inputs[0].data
        M = inputs[1].data
        y = outputs[0].data

        if not
        Mb = F.max(F.abs(x), keepdims=True)
        F.maximum2(M, Mb, outputs=[M])

    def backward_impl(self, inputs, outputs, propagate_down, accum):
        dx = inputs[0].grad
        dy = outputs[0].grad

        if propagate_down[0]:
            if accum[0]:
                dx += dy

    def grad_depends_output_data(self, i, o):
        return False

    def grad_depends_input_data(self, i, j):
        return False

def abs_max_recorder(x, M, training=True):
    ctx = nn.get_current_context()
    func = AbsMaxRecorder(ctx, training)
    return func(x, M)

class AbsMaxRecorderCallback(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self._function = abs_max_recorder

    def name(self):
        n = self.__class__.__name__
        return n[:n.rfind('Callback')]

    def __call__(self, x, axes=[1], training=True, name=''):
        shape = [1] * x.ndim
        M = nn.parameter.get_parameter_or_create('M-{}'.format(name), shape,

        y = self._function(x, M, training=training)
        return y

    def get_scale_zeropoint(x, axes=[1], narrow_range=False, round_method='NOTROUND', name=''):
        # If recorder is not added before Q/DQ, return neither scale nor zp
        if not _param_exits('M-{}'.format(name)):
            return None, None

        shape = [1] * x.ndim
        M = nn.parameter.get_parameter_or_create('M-{}'.format(name), shape)

        n_bits = 8
        im = - 2 ** (n_bits - 1)
        iM = 2 ** (n_bits - 1) - 1
        de = (iM - im) if not narrow_range else (iM - (im + 1))
        scale = (2 * M.d) / de  # AbsMax

        # round
        _round = __round_methods__[round_method]
        scale = 2 ** (_round(np.log(scale) / np.log(2))
                      ) if _round else scale  # pow2 scale

        # set zeropoint to zero
        zp = np.round((np.zeros_like(M.d) / scale).astype(np.int8))
        zp = nn.parameter.get_parameter_or_create('zeropoint-{}'.format(name),
                                                  zp.shape, zp, False)

        scale = nn.parameter.get_parameter_or_create('scale-{}'.format(name),
                                                     scale.shape, scale, False)

        return scale, zp

class MinMaxMvaRecorder(PythonFunction):
    MinMaxMvaRecorder records the moving average of the min and max of the batch over the training iterations.

    def __init__(self, ctx, decay=0.99, training=True):
        super(MinMaxMvaRecorder, self).__init__(ctx)

        self.decay = decay = training

    def name(self):
        return self.__class__.__name__

    def min_outputs(self):
        return 1

    def setup_impl(self, inputs, outputs):
        assert len(inputs) == 3, "len(inputs) must be 3; data, min, max."
        x = inputs[0]
        m = inputs[1]
        M = inputs[2]
        assert m.ndim == x.ndim and M.ndim == x.ndim, \
            "ndim of min and max must be same as ndim of data."
        assert == 1 and == 1, \
            "Any dimenstion of the shape of min and max must be 1."
        y = outputs[0]
        y.reset_shape(x.shape, True)
        # inplace
        # =

    def forward_impl(self, inputs, outputs):
        x = inputs[0].data
        m = inputs[1].data
        M = inputs[2].data
        y = outputs[0].data

        if not
        mb = F.min(x, keepdims=True)
        Mb = F.max(x, keepdims=True)
        F.identity(self.decay * m + (1 - self.decay) * mb, outputs=[m])
        F.identity(self.decay * M + (1 - self.decay) * Mb, outputs=[M])

    def backward_impl(self, inputs, outputs, propagate_down, accum):
        dx = inputs[0].grad
        dy = outputs[0].grad

        if propagate_down[0]:
            if accum[0]:
                dx += dy

    def grad_depends_output_data(self, i, o):
        return False

    def grad_depends_input_data(self, i, j):
        return False

def minmax_mva_recorder(x, m, M, decay=0.99, training=True):
    ctx = nn.get_current_context()
    func = MinMaxMvaRecorder(ctx, decay, training)
    return func(x, m, M)

class MinMaxMvaRecorderCallback(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self._function = minmax_mva_recorder

    def name(self):
        n = self.__class__.__name__
        return n[:n.rfind('Callback')]

    def __call__(self, x, axes=[1], training=True, name=''):
        shape = [1] * x.ndim
        m = nn.parameter.get_parameter_or_create('m-{}'.format(name), shape,
        M = nn.parameter.get_parameter_or_create('M-{}'.format(name), shape,

        y = self._function(x, m, M, training=training)
        return y

    def get_scale_zeropoint(x, axes=[1], narrow_range=False, round_method='NOTROUND', name=''):
        # If recorder is not added before Q/DQ, return neither scale nor zp
        if not _param_exits('m-{}'.format(name)) and not _param_exits('M-{}'.format(name)):
            return None, None

        shape = [1] * x.ndim
        m = nn.parameter.get_parameter_or_create('m-{}'.format(name), shape)
        M = nn.parameter.get_parameter_or_create('M-{}'.format(name), shape)

        n_bits = 8
        im = - 2 ** (n_bits - 1)
        iM = 2 ** (n_bits - 1) - 1
        de = (iM - im) if not narrow_range else (iM - (im + 1))

        # MinMaxMva, 1e-24 is a small experience value to avoid zero scale
        scale = np.maximum((M.d - m.d), 1e-24) / de

        # round
        _round = __round_methods__[round_method]
        scale = 2 ** (_round(np.log(scale) / np.log(2))
                      ) if _round else scale  # pow2 scale

        # set zeropoint to zero
        zp = np.round((np.zeros_like(m.d) / scale).astype(np.int8))
        zp = nn.parameter.get_parameter_or_create('zeropoint-{}'.format(name),
                                                  zp.shape, zp, False)

        scale = nn.parameter.get_parameter_or_create('scale-{}'.format(name),
                                                     scale.shape, scale, False)

        return scale, zp

class MaxMaxRecorder(PythonFunction):
    MaxMaxRecorder records the max of the batch over the training iterations.

    def __init__(self, ctx, training=True):
        super(MaxMaxRecorder, self).__init__(ctx) = training

    def name(self):
        return self.__class__.__name__

    def min_outputs(self):
        return 1

    def setup_impl(self, inputs, outputs):
        assert len(inputs) == 2, "len(inputs) must be 2; data, max."
        x = inputs[0]
        M = inputs[1]
        assert M.ndim == x.ndim, \
            "ndim of max must be same as ndim of data."
        assert == 1, \
            "Any dimenstion of the shape of max must be 1."
        y = outputs[0]
        y.reset_shape(x.shape, True)
        # inplace
        # =

    def forward_impl(self, inputs, outputs):
        x = inputs[0].data
        M = inputs[1].data
        y = outputs[0].data

        if not
        Mb = F.max(x, keepdims=True)
        F.maximum2(M, Mb, outputs=[M])

    def backward_impl(self, inputs, outputs, propagate_down, accum):
        dx = inputs[0].grad
        dy = outputs[0].grad

        if propagate_down[0]:
            if accum[0]:
                dx += dy

    def grad_depends_output_data(self, i, o):
        return False

    def grad_depends_input_data(self, i, j):
        return False

def max_max_recorder(x, M, training=True):
    ctx = nn.get_current_context()
    func = MaxMaxRecorder(ctx, training)
    return func(x, M)

class MaxMaxRecorderCallback(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self._function = max_max_recorder

    def name(self):
        n = self.__class__.__name__
        return n[:n.rfind('Callback')]

    def __call__(self, x, axes=[1], training=True, name=''):
        shape = [1] * x.ndim
        M = nn.parameter.get_parameter_or_create('M-{}'.format(name), shape,

        y = self._function(x, M, training=training)
        return y

    def get_scale_zeropoint(x, axes=[1], narrow_range=False, round_method='NOTROUND', name=''):
        # If recorder is not added before Q/DQ, return neither scale nor zp
        if not _param_exits('M-{}'.format(name)):
            return None, None

        shape = [1] * x.ndim
        M = nn.parameter.get_parameter_or_create('M-{}'.format(name), shape)

        n_bits = 8
        im = - 2 ** (n_bits - 1)
        iM = 2 ** (n_bits - 1) - 1
        de = (iM - im) if not narrow_range else (iM - (im + 1))
        scale = (2 * M.d) / de  # MaxMax

        # round
        _round = __round_methods__[round_method]
        scale = 2 ** (_round(np.log(scale) / np.log(2))
                      ) if _round else scale  # pow2 scale

        # set zeropoint to zero
        zp = np.round((np.zeros_like(M.d) / scale).astype(np.int8))
        zp = nn.parameter.get_parameter_or_create('zeropoint-{}'.format(name),
                                                  zp.shape, zp, False)

        scale = nn.parameter.get_parameter_or_create('scale-{}'.format(name),
                                                     scale.shape, scale, False)

        return scale, zp

class MaxMvaRecorder(PythonFunction):
    MaxMvaRecorder records the moving average of the max of the batch over the training iterations.

    def __init__(self, ctx, decay=0.99, training=True):
        super(MaxMvaRecorder, self).__init__(ctx)

        self.decay = decay = training

    def name(self):
        return self.__class__.__name__

    def min_outputs(self):
        return 1

    def setup_impl(self, inputs, outputs):
        assert len(inputs) == 2, "len(inputs) must be 2; data, max."
        x = inputs[0]
        M = inputs[1]
        assert M.ndim == x.ndim, \
            "ndim of max must be same as ndim of data."
        assert == 1, \
            "Any dimenstion of the shape of max must be 1."
        y = outputs[0]
        y.reset_shape(x.shape, True)
        # inplace
        # =

    def forward_impl(self, inputs, outputs):
        x = inputs[0].data
        M = inputs[1].data
        y = outputs[0].data

        if not
        Mb = F.max(x, keepdims=True)
        F.identity(self.decay * M + (1 - self.decay) * Mb, outputs=[M])

    def backward_impl(self, inputs, outputs, propagate_down, accum):
        dx = inputs[0].grad
        dy = outputs[0].grad

        if propagate_down[0]:
            if accum[0]:
                dx += dy

    def grad_depends_output_data(self, i, o):
        return False

    def grad_depends_input_data(self, i, j):
        return False

def max_mva_recorder(x, M, decay=0.99, training=True):
    ctx = nn.get_current_context()
    func = MaxMvaRecorder(ctx, decay, training)
    return func(x, M)

class MaxMvaRecorderCallback(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self._function = max_mva_recorder

    def name(self):
        n = self.__class__.__name__
        return n[:n.rfind('Callback')]

    def __call__(self, x, axes=[1], training=True, name=''):
        shape = [1] * x.ndim
        M = nn.parameter.get_parameter_or_create('M-{}'.format(name), shape,

        y = self._function(x, M, training=training)
        return y

    def get_scale_zeropoint(x, axes=[1], narrow_range=False, round_method='NOTROUND', name=''):
        # If recorder is not added before Q/DQ, return neither scale nor zp
        if not _param_exits('M-{}'.format(name)):
            return None, None

        shape = [1] * x.ndim
        M = nn.parameter.get_parameter_or_create('M-{}'.format(name), shape)

        n_bits = 8
        im = - 2 ** (n_bits - 1)
        iM = 2 ** (n_bits - 1) - 1
        de = (iM - im) if not narrow_range else (iM - (im + 1))
        scale = (2 * M.d) / de  # MaxMva

        # round
        _round = __round_methods__[round_method]
        scale = 2 ** (_round(np.log(scale) / np.log(2))
                      ) if _round else scale  # pow2 scale

        # set zeropoint to zero
        zp = np.round((np.zeros_like(M.d) / scale).astype(np.int8))
        zp = nn.parameter.get_parameter_or_create('zeropoint-{}'.format(name),
                                                  zp.shape, zp, False)

        scale = nn.parameter.get_parameter_or_create('scale-{}'.format(name),
                                                     scale.shape, scale, False)

        return scale, zp

class PrecisionMode(Enum):
    # Quantized functions only
    QNN = 0
    # Quantize/Dequantize only
    SIM_QNN = 1
    # Quantized functions as much as possible;
    # otherwise Quantize/Dequantize (simulated quantization) are used
    MIXED_QNN = 2

class QNNState(Enum):
    # Floating network
    NON_QNN = 0
    # Recording min/max at some weights and activations
    # Quantized network, some layers are quantized, depending on layer configuration
    TRAINING = 2
    # TODO: Deployment network, quantized weights might be fused and saved as int8

# TODO : elaborate more

[docs]class QATConfig: #: Extension Context. 'cpu', 'cuda' or 'cudnn' ext_name = "cudnn" #: Use zero-point (asymmetric) or not use (symmetric) zero_point = False #: Precision dtype = np.int8 precision_mode = PrecisionMode.SIM_QNN #: Enable channel last (channel_first is only supported now) channel_last = False # (TODO: near future, normally used for weights) #: Enable channel-wise quantization channel_wise = False #: Step start to record niter_to_recording = 0 #: Step start to QAT. #: The number of steps between recording and training should be greater than the number of steps of one epoch training. niter_to_training = -1 #: Coerce to power-of-2 scale when transiting from the recording graph
[docs] class RoundingMethod(Enum): """ Round method of scale """ #: round up. #: e.g. ceil(9.4) = 10 CEIL = 'CEIL' # round up #: round. #: e.g. round(9.4) = 9, round(9.5) = 10 ROUND = 'ROUND' #: round down. #: e.g. floor(9.5) = 9 FLOOR = 'FLOOR' # round down #: not round NOTROUND = 'NOTROUND'
#: Member of :obj:`nnabla.utils.qnn.QATConfig.RoundingMethod`. #: Round the scale to power-of-2. #: If you want to deploy the model with tensorrt, please enable this. pow2 = RoundingMethod.ROUND #: Narrow the lower-bound (e.g., when in int8, -128 -> -127) narrow_range = False #: Round mode of quantize layer round_mode = 'HALF_TO_EVEN' # (TODO: decide by experiments for ImageNet classification and super resolution task) #: Enable Batch Normalization Folding. #: Note that sometimes this can cause the training become unstable. bn_folding = False #: Enable Batch Normalization Self-Folding. #: Note that sometimes this can cause the training become unstable. bn_self_folding = False #: One of :obj:`nnabla.utils.qnn.MinMaxMinMaxRecorderCallback`, #: :obj:`nnabla.utils.qnn.AbsMaxRecorderCallback`, #: :obj:`nnabla.utils.qnn.MinMaxMvaRecorderCallback`, #: :obj:`nnabla.utils.qnn.MaxMaxRecorderCallback`, #: :obj:`nnabla.utils.qnn.MaxMvaRecorderCallback` #: Recorder of weight recorder_weight = MinMaxMinMaxRecorderCallback #: One of :obj:`nnabla.utils.qnn.MinMaxMinMaxRecorderCallback`, #: :obj:`nnabla.utils.qnn.AbsMaxRecorderCallback`, #: :obj:`nnabla.utils.qnn.MinMaxMvaRecorderCallback`, #: :obj:`nnabla.utils.qnn.MaxMaxRecorderCallback`, #: :obj:`nnabla.utils.qnn.MaxMvaRecorderCallback` #: Recorder of activation recorder_activation = MaxMvaRecorderCallback #: list of nnabla function names. #: Recording layers. #: If empty, add recoders to all layers. Otherwise, only add recoders to functions in record_layers. record_layers = []
[docs] class RecorderPosition(Enum): """ Position to add recorder for function. """ #: Add recoder only before a function BEFORE = 0 #: Add recoder before/after a function BOTH = 1
#: Member of :obj:`nnabla.utils.qnn.QATConfig.RecorderPosition`. #: Recorder position recorder_position = RecorderPosition.BEFORE #: List of nnabla function name. #: Skip quantizing inputs layers of network skip_inputs_layers = ['Convolution', 'Deconvolution'] #: List of nnabla function name. #: Skip quantizing outputs layers of network skip_outputs_layers = ['Affine'] #: QAT Learning_rate = NonQNN Learning_rate * learning_rate_scale. #: Recommend setting it to 0.1 or 0.01 learning_rate_scale = 0.1 #: Skip quantizing bias of Affine and bias of the Convolution function family skip_bias = False
[docs]class QATTensorRTConfig(QATConfig): pow2 = QATConfig.RoundingMethod.ROUND bn_folding = True bn_self_folding = True record_layers = ["Convolution", "Deconvolution", "Affine", "BatchMatmul", "ReLU"] record_position = QATConfig.RecorderPosition.BEFORE
qat_default_config = QATTensorRTConfig() class FunctionsRankRecorder(object): def __init__(self, functions_only_for_training=['ImageAugmentation', 'Dropout']): self.functions_only_for_training = functions_only_for_training self.rank = 0 self.functions_ranks = {} def __call__(self, f): if not in self.functions_only_for_training: self.functions_ranks[f] = self.rank self.rank += 1
[docs]class QATScheduler: """ Scheduler for quantization aware training. Args: config (:obj:`QATConfig`): Quantization-Aware-Training Configuration solver (:obj:`nnabla.solver.Solver`): Neural Network Solver Example: .. code-block:: python from nnabla.utils.qnn import QATScheduler, QATConfig, PrecisionMode # Set configuration config = QATConfig() config.bn_folding = True config.bn_self_folding = True config.channel_last = False config.precision_mode = PrecisionMode.SIM_QNN config.niter_to_recording = 1 config.niter_to_training = 500 qat_scheduler = QATScheduler(config=config, solver=solver) # convert graph to enable quantization aware training. qat_scheduler(pred) # pred is the output variable of training network qat_scheduler(vpred, training=False) # vpred is the output variable of evaluation network # Training loop for i in range(training_step): qat_scheduler.step() # Your training code here # save quantized nnp'', vimage, deploy=False) # vimage is the input variable of network """ # set default config def __init__(self, config=qat_default_config, solver=None): """ Args: config (:obj:`QATConfig`): solver (:obj: 'nnabla.solvers.Solver'): Neural Network Solver """ self.config = config if config.niter_to_training <= 0 or config.niter_to_recording < 0: raise ValueError( 'Please set niter_to_recording and niter_to_training correctly! niter_to_recording should be greater than or equal to 0. niter_to_training should be greater than 0') if (config.niter_to_training - config.niter_to_recording) <= 0: raise ValueError( 'Please set niter_to_recording and niter_to_training correctly! The number of steps between recording and training should be greater than the number of steps of one epoch training.') self.solver = solver self.counter = 0 self.state = QNNState.NON_QNN self.registry = [] # [(nn.Variable, training)] def __call__(self, pred, training=True): """ Wrap the network to quantized. Args: pred (:obj:`nnabla.Variable` or list of :obj:`nnabla.Variable`): Network output; the output of the original computation graph to be quantized. """ # TODO: address list case (e.g., multiple outputs) self.registry.append((pred, training)) def _register_params(self, solver): """ Re-register parameters to `solver` """ if not solver: return if (not self.config.bn_folding) and (not self.config.bn_self_folding): return solver.set_parameters(nn.get_parameters(grad_only=True)) def _set_qat_learning_rate(self): self.solver.set_learning_rate(self.solver.learning_rate() * self.config.learning_rate_scale) def _fold_bn(self, pred): qpred_prev = pred # BN folding & BN self folding modifiers = [] if not self.config.bn_folding else [GC.BatchNormalizationFoldingModifier( opposite=False, channel_last=self.config.channel_last), GC.BatchNormalizationFoldingModifier( opposite=True, channel_last=self.config.channel_last)] modifiers = modifiers + \ [GC.BatchNormalizationSelfFoldingModifier( )] if self.config.bn_self_folding else modifiers if len(modifiers) > 0: # expand fused_batch_normalization if BN folding or BN self folding is enabled. modifiers.insert(0, GC.UnfusedBatchNormalizationModifier()) qpred_without_bn = GC.GraphConverter( modifiers).convert(qpred_prev) qpred_prev.rewire_on(qpred_without_bn) return qpred_prev def _clear_memory_cache(self): if self.config.ext_name in ["cuda", "cudnn"]: nnabla_ext.cuda.clear_memory_cache() def _schedule_to_recording(self): for i, elm in enumerate(self.registry): pred, training = elm qpred_prev = pred qpred_prev = self._fold_bn(qpred_prev) # Collect functions rank rank_recorder = FunctionsRankRecorder() qpred_prev.visit(rank_recorder) qpred_curr = GC.GraphConverter([ GC.QuantizeNonQNNToRecordingModifier( rank_recorder.functions_ranks, config=self.config, training=training)]).convert(qpred_prev) qpred_prev.rewire_on(qpred_curr) qpred_prev.need_grad = False self._register_params(self.solver) self.registry[i] = (qpred_prev, training) self.state = QNNState.RECORDING print( 'QNNState.NON_QNN -> QNNState.RECORDING: graph={}'.format(qpred_prev)) def _schedule_to_training(self): for i, elm in enumerate(self.registry): pred, training = elm qpred_prev = pred # Remove recorder modifiers = [] modifiers.append(GC.RemoveFunctionModifier( rm_funcs=[self.config.recorder_activation().name(), self.config.recorder_weight().name()])) qpred_noqnn = GC.GraphConverter(modifiers).convert(qpred_prev) qpred_prev.rewire_on(qpred_noqnn) # Collect functions rank rank_recorder = FunctionsRankRecorder() qpred_prev.visit(rank_recorder) # Recording to training qpred_curr = GC.GraphConverter([ GC.QuantizeRecordingToTrainingModifier(rank_recorder.functions_ranks, config=self.config)]).convert( qpred_prev) qpred_prev.rewire_on(qpred_curr) self._register_params(self.solver) self._set_qat_learning_rate() self.registry[i] = (qpred_prev, training) self.state = QNNState.TRAINING print( 'QNNState.RECORDING -> QNNState.TRAINING: graph={}'.format(qpred_prev))
[docs] def step(self): """ Step in the state of QNN. According to the number of iterations in config. """ # TODO: there is other patterns # TODO: address list case (e.g., multiple outputs) if self.counter == self.config.niter_to_recording: self._clear_memory_cache() self._schedule_to_recording() elif self.counter == self.config.niter_to_training: self._clear_memory_cache() self._schedule_to_training() self.counter += 1
[docs] def save(self, fname, inputs, batch_size=1, net_name='net', deploy=False): """ Save QAT network model to NNP file as default. Args: fname (str): NNP file name. inputs (:obj:`nnabla.Variable` or list of :obj:`nnabla.Variable`): Network inputs variables. batch_size (int): batch size. net_name (str): network name. deploy (bool): Whether to apply QNN deployment conversion. deploy=True is not supported yet. Returns: None """ def _force_list(o): if isinstance(o, (tuple)): return list(o) if not isinstance(o, (list)): return [o] return o for i, elm in enumerate(self.registry): pred, training = elm if deploy: assert self.state == # TODO: Convert the training graph to deployment graph # TODO: Save as nnp (we have to define nicely) else: if training: continue from collections import defaultdict inps = defaultdict(list) otps = defaultdict(list) ec_data = [] ec_otps = [] inputs = _force_list(inputs) for i, inp in enumerate(inputs): key = 'x{}'.format(i) inps[key] = inp ec_data.append(key) outputs = _force_list(pred) for i, otp in enumerate(outputs): key = 'y{}'.format(i) otps[key] = otp ec_otps.append(key) contents = { 'networks': [ {'name': net_name, 'batch_size': batch_size, 'outputs': otps, 'names': inps }], 'executors': [ {'name': 'runtime', 'network': net_name, 'data': ec_data, 'outputs': ec_otps }] } from import save save(fname, contents)