Installation on Linux


This installation instruction describes how to install NNabla using pip on almost any Linux 64-bit systems.

The supported Python versions for provided binary packages are 3.5(not recommended), 3.6 and 3.7. It is recommended to use Miniconda as a Python distribution. The following is a simple procedure to install Miniconda Python.

bash -b -p {installation path e.g. ~/miniconda}
# You have to set an environment variable PATH accordingly
# to enable the installed ``Python`` and the ``conda`` system.
echo 'export PATH=<installation path>/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc
# Restart your bash or source ~/.bashrc

# Switch the default Python version
conda install -y python={version number e.g. 3.6}


See NNabla package installation using PIP.


Q. I want to use another linux distribution.

We actually tested other linux distributions and versions; Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04, 20.04, CentOS 7, 8 on various environments; Baremetal server, AWS instance, and/or Docker machine. Thus, you can install in almost the same way described here. The details of how-to-install for each are coming soon.