Source code for nnabla.utils.rnn

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import nnabla as nn
import nnabla.functions as F
import numpy as np

from collections import defaultdict

[docs]class PackedSequence(object): """ Args: data (:obj:`nnabla.Variable`): Packed sequence. batch_sizes (:obj:`nnabla.Variable`): Batch size for each time step and always resides in CPU. sorted_indices (:obj:`nnabla.Variable`): Sorted indices to reconstruct the original sequences. unsorted_indices (:obj:`nnabla.Variable`): Unsorted indices to reconstruct the original sequences. """ def __init__(self): = None self.batch_sizes = None self.sorted_indices = None self.unsorted_indices = None def __str__(self): return "data={}, batch_sizes={}, "\ "sorted_indices={}, unsorted_indices={self.unsorted_indices}"\ .format(, self.batch_sizes, self.sorted_indices, self.unsorted_indices)
[docs]def pad_sequence(sequences, batch_first=False, padding_value=0.0): """Pad a list of variable-length Variables. This method stacks a list of variable-length :obj:`nnabla.Variable` s with the padding_value. :math:`T_i` is the length of the :math:`i`-th Variable in the sequences. :math:`B` is the batch size equal to the length of the sequences. :math:`T` is the max of :math:`T_i` for all :math:`i`. :math:`*` is the remaining dimensions including none. .. note:: This function **must** be used the dynamic computation mode. Example: .. code-block:: python import numpy as np import nnabla as nn import nnabla.functions as F import nnabla.utils.rnn as rnn_utils nn.set_auto_forward(True) l2v = lambda ldata: nn.Variable.from_numpy_array(np.asarray(ldata)) a = l2v([1, 1, 1, 1]) b = l2v([2, 2, 2]) c = l2v([2, 2, 2]) d = l2v([3, 3]) e = l2v([3, 3]) sequences = [a, b, c, d, e] padded_sequence = rnn_utils.pad_sequence(sequences) print(padded_sequence.d) Args: sequences (list of :obj:`nnabla.Variable`): Sequence of the variable of (:math:`T_i`, :math:`*`) shape. batch_first (bool): If False, output is of (:math:`T`, :math:`B`, :math:`*`) shape, otherwise (:math:`B`, :math:`T`, :math:`*`). padding_value (float): Padding value. Returns: :obj:`nnabla.Variable` of (:math:`T`, :math:`B`, :math:`*`) or (:math:`B`, :math:`T`, :math:`*`) shape """ B = len(sequences) T = max([e.shape[0] for e in sequences]) shape0 = (B, T) if batch_first else (T, B) shape1 = sequences[0].shape[1:] padded_sequence = F.constant(padding_value, shape0 + shape1) for b, s in enumerate(sequences): l = s.shape[0] if batch_first: padded_sequence[b, :l, ...] = s else: padded_sequence[:l, b, ...] = s return padded_sequence
[docs]def pack_padded_sequence(padded_sequence, lengths, batch_first=False, enforce_sorted=True): r"""Pack a padded variable-length sequences. This method packs a padded variable-length sequences. :math:`T` is the max length over the lengths of sequences. :math:`B` is the batch size equal to the length of the sequences. :math:`*` is the remaining dimensions including none. .. note:: This function **must** be used the dynamic computation mode. Example: .. code-block:: python import numpy as np import nnabla as nn import nnabla.functions as F import nnabla.utils.rnn as rnn_utils nn.set_auto_forward(True) l2v = lambda ldata: nn.Variable.from_numpy_array(np.asarray(ldata)) a = l2v([1, 1, 1, 1]) b = l2v([2, 2, 2]) c = l2v([2, 2, 2]) d = l2v([3, 3]) e = l2v([3, 3]) sequences = [a, b, c, d, e] lengths = l2v([seq.shape[0] for seq in sequences]) padded_sequence = rnn_utils.pad_sequence(sequences) print(padded_sequence.d) packed_sequence = rnn_utils.pack_padded_sequence(padded_sequence, lengths) print( print(packed_sequence.batch_sizes.d) Args: padded_sequence (:obj:`nnabla.Variable`): Padded sequence of (:math:`T \times B \times *`) or (:math:`B \times T \times *`) shape. lengths (:obj:`nnabla.Variable`): Sequence length for each batch and always resides in CPU. batch_first (bool): `padded_sequence` is of (:math:`T`, :math:`B`, :math:`*`) shape if False, otherwise (:math:`B`, :math:`T`, :math:`*`). enforce_sorted (bool): Sequences are sorted by the length in a decreasing order if True. Default is True. Returns: :obj:`PackedSequence` """ if enforce_sorted: sorted_indices = None unsorted_indices = None else: # TODO: replace cuda context when the bug fix of the sort with nn.context_scope(nn.Context()): lengths, sorted_indices = F.sort( lengths, axis=0, reverse=True, with_index=True) B = sorted_indices.shape[0] unsorted_indices = F.scatter_nd( F.arange(0, B), sorted_indices.reshape((1, B)), shape=(B, )) axis = 0 if batch_first else 1 padded_sequence = F.gather(padded_sequence, sorted_indices, axis) packed_sequence, batch_sizes = F.pack_padded_sequence( padded_sequence, lengths, batch_first) packed_sequence0 = PackedSequence() = packed_sequence packed_sequence0.batch_sizes = batch_sizes packed_sequence0.sorted_indices = sorted_indices packed_sequence0.unsorted_indices = unsorted_indices return packed_sequence0
[docs]def pack_sequence(sequences, batch_first=False, enforce_sorted=True): """Pack a list of variable-length Variables. This method packs a list of variable-length Variables. :math:`T_i` is the length of the :math:`i`-th Variable in the sequences. :math:`T` is the max of :math:`T_i` for all :math:`i`. :math:`B` is the batch size equal to the length of the sequences. :math:`*` is the remaining dimensions including none. .. note:: This function **must** be used the dynamic computation mode. Example: .. code-block:: python import numpy as np import nnabla as nn import nnabla.functions as F import nnabla.utils.rnn as rnn_utils nn.set_auto_forward(True) l2v = lambda ldata: nn.Variable.from_numpy_array(np.asarray(ldata)) a = l2v([3, 3]) b = l2v([2, 2, 2]) c = l2v([2, 2, 2]) d = l2v([1, 1, 1, 1]) e = l2v([3, 3]) sequences = [a, b, c, d, e] packed_sequence = rnn_utils.pack_sequence(sequences, enforce_sorted=False) print( print(packed_sequence.batch_sizes.d) Args: sequences (list of :obj:`nnabla.Variable`): List of :obj:`nnabla.Variable` of (:math:`T_i`, :math:`*`) shape. enforce_sorted (bool): Sequences are sorted by the length in a decreasing order if True. Default is True. Returns: :obj:`PackedSequence`: packed_sequence """ pad_sequences = pad_sequence(sequences) lengths = np.array([sequence.shape[0] for sequence in sequences]) lengths = nn.Variable.from_numpy_array(lengths) packed_sequence = pack_padded_sequence( pad_sequences, lengths, enforce_sorted=enforce_sorted) return packed_sequence
[docs]def pad_packed_sequence(sequence, batch_first=False, padding_value=0.0, total_length=None): """Pad packed sequence. This method unpacks the packed sequqnce and pad it, the inverse operation of :func:`pack_padded_sequence`. :math:`T_i` is the length of the :math:`i`-th Variable in the sequences. :math:`B` is the batch size equal to the length of the sequences. :math:`T` is the max of :math:`T_i` for all :math:`i`. :math:`*` is the remaining dimensions including none. .. note:: This function **must** be used the dynamic computation mode. Example: .. code-block:: python import numpy as np import nnabla as nn import nnabla.functions as F import nnabla.utils.rnn as rnn_utils nn.set_auto_forward(True) l2v = lambda ldata: nn.Variable.from_numpy_array(np.asarray(ldata)) a = l2v([3, 3]) b = l2v([2, 2, 2]) c = l2v([2, 2, 2]) d = l2v([1, 1, 1, 1]) e = l2v([3, 3]) sequences = [a, b, c, d, e] packed_sequence = rnn_utils.pack_sequence(sequences, enforce_sorted=False) print( print(packed_sequence.batch_sizes.d) padded_sequence, lengths = rnn_utils.pad_packed_sequence(packed_sequence) print(padded_sequence.d) print(lengths.d) Args: sequence (:obj:`PackedSequence`): PackedSequence. batch_first (bool): If False, output is of (:math:`T`, :math:`B`, :math:`*`) shape, otherwise (:math:`B`, :math:`T`, :math:`*`). padding_value (float): Padding value. total_length (int): If not None, the outputs are padded up to the `total_length`. If the `total_length` is less than the max length in the `sequences`, the error is thrown. This is normally used in the distributed training to align with the longest sequence in a distributed system. Returns: :obj:`nnabla.Variable` of (:math:`T`, :math:`B`, :math:`*`) or (:math:`B`, :math:`T`, :math:`*`) shape """ packed_sequence = batch_sizes = sequence.batch_sizes sorted_indices = sequence.sorted_indices unsorted_indices = sequence.unsorted_indices T = batch_sizes.shape[0] if total_length is not None: if total_length < T: raise ValueError("`total length ({})` must be greater than or equal to the maximum length ({})." .format(total_length, T)) padded_sequence, lengths = F.pad_packed_sequence(packed_sequence, batch_sizes, batch_first, padding_value, total_length) if unsorted_indices is not None: axis = 0 if batch_first else 1 padded_sequence = F.gather(padded_sequence, unsorted_indices, axis) lengths = lengths[unsorted_indices] return padded_sequence, lengths
def _rnn(x, h, w, b, nonlinearity, with_bias): """RNN cell. Args: x (:obj:`~nnabla.Variable`): Input data. h (:obj:`~nnabla.Variable`): Hidden state. w (:obj:`~nnabla.Variable`): Weight. b (:obj:`~nnabla.Variable`): Bias. nonlinearity (str): "tanh" or "relu". with_bias (bool): Include the bias or not. """ hidden_size = h.shape[1] xh = F.concatenate(*(x, h), axis=1) b_ = None if with_bias: b_ = b h_t = F.affine(xh, F.transpose(w, (1, 0)), b_) if nonlinearity == 'tanh': h_t = F.tanh(h_t) elif nonlinearity == 'relu': h_t = F.relu(h_t) return h_t def _create_fixed_length_rnn(xs0, h0, w0, w, b, num_layers, nonlinearity, num_directions, with_bias): """NStepRNNCells over time and over layers. Args: xs0 (:obj:`~nnabla.Variable`): Input data with [T, B, I] shape. h0 (:obj:`~nnabla.Variable`): Hidden states with [L, D, B, H] shape. w0 (:obj:`~nnabla.Variable`): Weights at the first layer with [D, H, I+H] shape. w (:obj:`~nnabla.Variable`): Weights with [L-1, D, H, D * H + H] shape at layers other than the first layer. b (:obj:`~nnabla.Variable`): Biases with [L, D, H] shape. num_layers (int): Number of layers. nonlinearity (str): "tanh" or "relu". num_directions (int): "tanh" or "relu". with_bias (bool): Include the bias or not. """ # xs : [T, B, I] # h0 : [L, D, B, H] # w0 : [D, H, I+H] # w : [L-1, D, H, D * H + H] batch_size = xs0.shape[1] hidden_size = h0.shape[3] if xs0.shape[0] == 1: xs = [xs0[0]] else: xs = F.split(xs0, axis=0) hn = [] for i in range(num_layers): wi = w0 if i > 0: wi = w[i - 1] # wi : [D, H, ?] # Forward direction hif = h0[i, 0] # [B, H] wif = wi[0] bif = None if with_bias: bif = b[i, 0] hs = [] for j, x in enumerate(xs): # x : [B, I] hif = _rnn(x, hif, wif, bif, nonlinearity, with_bias) hs.append(hif) hn.append(hif) if num_directions == 1: xs = hs continue # Backward direction hib = h0[i, 1] # [B, H] wib = wi[1] bib = None if with_bias: bib = b[i, 1] for k, x, in enumerate(reversed(xs)): j = len(xs) - 1 - k # x : [B, I] hib = _rnn(x, hib, wib, bib, nonlinearity, with_bias) hs[j] = F.concatenate(hs[j], hib, axis=1) hn.append(hib) xs = hs ys = xs # list of [B, HD] ys = F.stack(*ys, axis=0) # [T, B, HD] hn = F.reshape(F.stack(*hn, axis=0), (num_layers, num_directions, batch_size, hidden_size)) # LD list of [B, H] --> [L, D, B, H] return ys, hn def _gru(x, h, w, b, with_bias): """GRU cell. Args: x (:obj:`~nnabla.Variable`): Input data. h (:obj:`~nnabla.Variable`): Hidden state. w (:obj:`~nnabla.Variable`): Weight. b (:obj:`~nnabla.Variable`): Bias. with_bias (bool): Include the bias or not. """ hidden_size = h.shape[1] xh = F.concatenate(*(x, h), axis=1) w0, w1, w2 = F.split(w, axis=0) b0 = b1 = b2 = b3 = None if with_bias: b0, b1, b2, b3 = F.split(b, axis=0) r_t = F.sigmoid(F.affine(xh, F.transpose(w0, (1, 0)), b0)) z_t = F.sigmoid(F.affine(xh, F.transpose(w1, (1, 0)), b1)) w2_0 = w2[:, :w2.shape[1]-hidden_size] w2_1 = w2[:, w2.shape[1]-hidden_size:] n_t = F.tanh(F.affine(x, F.transpose(w2_0, (1, 0)), b2) + r_t*F.affine(h, F.transpose(w2_1, (1, 0)), b3)) h_t = (1-z_t)*n_t + z_t*h return h_t def _create_fixed_length_gru(xs0, h0, w0, w, b, num_layers, num_directions, with_bias): """NStepGRUCells over time and over layers. Args: xs0 (:obj:`~nnabla.Variable`): Input data with [T, B, I] shape. h0 (:obj:`~nnabla.Variable`): Hidden states with [L, D, B, H] shape. w0 (:obj:`~nnabla.Variable`): Weights at the first layer with [D, 3, H, I+H] shape. w (:obj:`~nnabla.Variable`): Weights with [L-1, D, 3, H, D * H + H] shape at layers other than the first layer. b (:obj:`~nnabla.Variable`): Biases with [L, D, 3, H] shape. num_layers (int): Number of layers. num_directions (int): "tanh" or "relu". with_bias (bool): Include the bias or not. """ # xs : [T, B, I] # h0 : [L, D, B, H] # w0 : [D, 3, H, I+H] # w : [L-1, D, 3, H, D * H + H] # b : [L, D, 3, H] batch_size = xs0.shape[1] hidden_size = h0.shape[3] if xs0.shape[0] == 1: xs = [xs0[0]] else: xs = F.split(xs0, axis=0) hn = [] for i in range(num_layers): wi = w0 if i > 0: wi = w[i - 1] # wi : [D, 3, H, ?] # Forward direction hif = h0[i, 0] # [B, H] wif = wi[0] bif = None if with_bias: bif = b[i, 0] hs = [] for j, x in enumerate(xs): # x : [B, I] hif = _gru(x, hif, wif, bif, with_bias) hs.append(hif) hn.append(hif) if num_directions == 1: xs = hs continue # Backward direction hib = h0[i, 1] # [B, H] wib = wi[1] bib = None if with_bias: bib = b[i, 1] for k, x, in enumerate(reversed(xs)): j = len(xs) - 1 - k # x : [B, I] hib = _gru(x, hib, wib, bib, with_bias) hs[j] = F.concatenate(hs[j], hib, axis=1) hn.append(hib) xs = hs ys = xs # list of [B, HD] ys = F.stack(*ys, axis=0) # [T, B, HD] hn = F.reshape(F.stack(*hn, axis=0), (num_layers, num_directions, batch_size, hidden_size)) # LD list of [B, H] --> [L, D, B, H] return ys, hn def _lstm(x, h, c, w, b, with_bias): """LSTM cell. Args: x (:obj:`~nnabla.Variable`): Input data. h (:obj:`~nnabla.Variable`): Short-term state. c (:obj:`~nnabla.Variable`): Long-term state. w (:obj:`~nnabla.Variable`): Weight. b (:obj:`~nnabla.Variable`): Bias. with_bias (bool): Include the bias or not. """ hidden_size = h.shape[1] xh = F.concatenate(*(x, h), axis=1) w0, w1, w2, w3 = F.split(w, axis=0) b0 = b1 = b2 = b3 = None if with_bias: b0, b1, b2, b3 = F.split(b, axis=0) i_t = F.affine(xh, F.transpose(w0, (1, 0)), b0) f_t = F.affine(xh, F.transpose(w1, (1, 0)), b1) g_t = F.affine(xh, F.transpose(w2, (1, 0)), b2) o_t = F.affine(xh, F.transpose(w3, (1, 0)), b3) c_t = F.sigmoid(f_t) * c + F.sigmoid(i_t) * F.tanh(g_t) h_t = F.sigmoid(o_t) * F.tanh(c_t) return h_t, c_t def _create_fixed_length_lstm(xs0, h0, c0, w0, w, b, num_layers, num_directions, with_bias): """NStepGRUCells over time and over layers. Args: xs0 (:obj:`~nnabla.Variable`): Input data with [T, B, I] shape. h0 (:obj:`~nnabla.Variable`): Short-term states with [L, D, B, H] shape. c0 (:obj:`~nnabla.Variable`): Long-term states with [L, D, B, H] shape. w0 (:obj:`~nnabla.Variable`): Weights at the first layer with [D, 4, H, I+H] shape. w (:obj:`~nnabla.Variable`): Weights with [L-1, D, 4, H, D * H + H] shape at layers other than the first layer. b (:obj:`~nnabla.Variable`): Biases with [L, D, 4*H] shape. num_layers (int): Number of layers. num_directions (int): "tanh" or "relu". with_bias (bool): Include the bias or not. """ # xs : [T, B, I] # h0 : [L, D, B, H] # c0 : [L, D, B, H] # w0 : [D, 4, H, I+H] # w : [L-1, D, 4, H, D * H + H] # b : [L, D, 4*H] batch_size = xs0.shape[1] hidden_size = h0.shape[3] if xs0.shape[0] == 1: xs = [xs0[0]] else: xs = F.split(xs0, axis=0) hn = [] cn = [] for i in range(num_layers): wi = w0 if i > 0: wi = w[i - 1] # wi : [D, 4, H, ?] # Forward direction hif = h0[i, 0] # [B, H] cif = c0[i, 0] # [B, H] wif = wi[0] bif = None if with_bias: bif = b[i, 0] hs = [] for j, x in enumerate(xs): # x : [B, I] hif, cif = _lstm(x, hif, cif, wif, bif, with_bias) hs.append(hif) hn.append(hif) cn.append(cif) if num_directions == 1: xs = hs continue # Backward direction hib = h0[i, 1] # [B, H] cib = c0[i, 1] # [B, H] wib = wi[1] bib = None if with_bias: bib = b[i, 1] for k, x, in enumerate(reversed(xs)): j = len(xs) - 1 - k # x : [B, I] hib, cib = _lstm(x, hib, cib, wib, bib, with_bias) hs[j] = F.concatenate(hs[j], hib, axis=1) hn.append(hib) cn.append(cib) xs = hs ys = xs # list of [B, HD] ys = F.stack(*ys, axis=0) # [T, B, HD] hn = F.reshape(F.stack(*hn, axis=0), (num_layers, num_directions, batch_size, hidden_size)) # LD list of [B, H] --> [L, D, B, H] cn = F.reshape(F.stack(*cn, axis=0), (num_layers, num_directions, batch_size, hidden_size)) # LD list of [B, H] --> [L, D, B, H] return ys, hn, cn