Source code for nnabla.models.object_detection.utils

from nnabla.utils.image_utils import imresize
from nnabla.models.object_detection.draw_utils import DrawBoundingBoxes
import numpy as np

[docs]def draw_bounding_boxes(img, bboxes, names, colors=None, thresh=0.5): ''' The transformed cordinates are further used to draw bounding boxes for the detected objects. Args: img (numpy.ndarray) : Input image bboxes (numpy.ndarray): Transformed bounding box coorinates from the model. names (list of str): Name of categories in the dataset colors (list of tuple of 3 ints): Colors for bunding boxes thresh (float): Threshold of bounding boxes. ''' if colors is None: rng = np.random.RandomState(1223) colors = rng.randint(0, 256, (len(names), 3)).astype(np.uint8) colors = [tuple(c.tolist()) for c in colors] im_h, im_w = img.shape[:2] draw = DrawBoundingBoxes(img, colors) for bb in bboxes: x, y, w, h = bb[:4] dw = w / 2. dh = h / 2. x0 = int(np.clip(x - dw, 0, im_w)) y0 = int(np.clip(y - dh, 0, im_h)) x1 = int(np.clip(x + dw, 0, im_w)) y1 = int(np.clip(y + dh, 0, im_h)) det_ind = np.where(bb[5:] > thresh)[0] if len(det_ind) == 0: continue prob = bb[5 + det_ind] label = ', '.join("{}: {:.2f}%".format( names[det_ind[j]], prob[j] * 100) for j in range(len(det_ind))) print("[INFO] {}".format(label)) draw.draw((x0, y0, x1, y1), det_ind[0], label) return draw.get()
def apply_inverse_letterbox_coordinate_transform(bboxes, im_w, im_h, letterbox_w, letterbox_h): ''' The predicted bounding box coordinates from the model are not according to original image but the pre-processed image. This function transforms the coorinates according to original image by applying inverse letterbox co-rdinate trasforms mathematically. Args: bboxes: The bounding box coordinates predicted from the model. im_w : Width of original input image. im_h : Height of original input image. ''' bboxes = bboxes.copy() for bb in bboxes: x, y, w, h = bb[:4] x1 = (x - (1 - letterbox_w) / 2.) / letterbox_w * im_w y1 = (y - (1 - letterbox_h) / 2.) / letterbox_h * im_h w1 = w * im_w / letterbox_w h1 = h * im_h / letterbox_h bb[:4] = x1, y1, w1, h1 return bboxes def letterbox(img_orig, h, w): ''' Input image is pre-processed before passing it to the network in YoloV2. This function applies the pre-processing to input image. Args: img_orig: Input image w : Desired width of output image after pre-processing. Should be a multiple of 32. h : Desired height of output image after pre-processing. Should be a multiple of 32. ''' assert img_orig.dtype == np.uint8 im_h, im_w, _ = img_orig.shape if (w * 1.0 / im_w) < (h * 1. / im_h): new_w = w new_h = int((im_h * w) / im_w) else: new_h = h new_w = int((im_w * h) / im_h) patch = imresize(img_orig, (new_w, new_h)) img = np.ones((h, w, 3), np.uint8) * 127 # resize x0 = int((w - new_w) / 2) y0 = int((h - new_h) / 2) img[y0:y0 + new_h, x0:x0 + new_w] = patch return img, new_w, new_h
[docs]class LetterBoxTransform(object): '''Create an object holding a new letterboxed image as `image` attribute. Letterboxing is defined as scaling the input image to fit inside the desired output image frame (letterbox) while preserving the aspect ratio of the original image. The pixels that are not filled with the original image pixels become 127. The created object also provides a functionality to convert bounding box coordinates back to the original image frame. Args: image (numpy.ndarray): An uint8 3-channel image height (int): Letterbox height width (int): Letterbox width ''' def __init__(self, image, height, width): self.height, self.width = height, width self.im_h, self.im_w = image.shape[:2] self.image, self.new_w, self.new_h = letterbox(image, height, width)
[docs] def inverse_coordinate_transform(self, coords): '''Convert the bounding boxes back to the original image frame. Args: coords (numpy.ndarray): `N` x `M` array where `M >= 4` and first 4 elements of `M` are `x`, `y` (center coordinates of bounding box), `w` and `h` (bouding box width and height). ''' return apply_inverse_letterbox_coordinate_transform( coords, self.im_w, self.im_h, self.new_w * 1.0 / self.width, self.new_h * 1.0 / self.height)