Source code for nnabla.experimental.viewers

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from collections import defaultdict
import json
import os
import numpy as np

[docs]class SimpleGraph(object): """Simple Graph with GraphViz. Example: .. code-block:: python import nnabla as nn import nnabla.functions as F import nnabla.parametric_functions as PF import nnabla.experimental.viewers as V # Model definition def network(image, test=False): h = image h /= 255.0 h = PF.convolution(h, 16, kernel=(3, 3), pad=(1, 1), name="conv") h = PF.batch_normalization(h, name="bn", batch_stat=not test) h = F.relu(h) pred = PF.affine(h, 10, name='fc') return pred # Model image = nn.Variable([4, 3, 32, 32]) pred = network(image, test=False) # Graph Viewer graph = V.SimpleGraph(verbose=False) graph.view(pred), "sample_grpah") If the parameters are module-scoped, for example, the ``pred`` comes from a module output, parameters should be obtained beforehand then passed to view(): Example: .. code-block:: python import nnabla as nn import nnabla.functions as F from nnabla.core.modules import ConvBn import nnabla.experimental.viewers as V class TSTNetNormal(nn.Module): def __init__(self): self.conv_bn_1 = ConvBn(1) self.conv_bn_2 = ConvBn(1) def call(self, x1, x2): y1 = self.conv_bn_1(x1) y2 = self.conv_bn_2(x2) y = F.concatenate(y1, y2, axis=1) return y tnd = TSTNetNormal() v1 = nn.Variable((4, 3, 32, 32)) v2 = nn.Variable((4, 3, 32, 32)) ya = tnd(v1, v2) graph = V.SimpleGraph(verbose=False) graph.view(ya, params=tnd.get_parameters(grad_only=False)) """ def __init__(self, format="png", verbose=False, fname_color_map=None, vname_color_map=None): """ Args: format (`str`): Image format used to save. verbose (`bool`): When set as True. The redundant information is also added. For example, the shape of a variable and arguments of a function. Default is False. fname_color_map (`dict`): Mapping of a function name to a color name. Color name should be one supported in the graphviz. For example, `fname_color_map = {"Convolution": "red", "Affine": "blue"}`. Default is None and a color is automatically set according to a type of function. vname_color_map (`dict`): Mapping of a variable name (:obj:`Variable`.name) to a color name. Color name should be one supported in the graphviz. For example, `fname_color_map = {"input": "blue", "pred": "red"}`. Default is None and pink is used for all variables. """ self._format = format self._verbose = verbose self._fname_color_map = fname_color_map self._vname_color_map = vname_color_map class Functor(object): def __init__(self, graph, verbose=False, fname_color_map=fname_color_map, vname_color_map=vname_color_map, fun2scope=None, var2name=None): self._var_idx = 0 self._fname_to_idx = defaultdict(int) self._vhash_to_idx = defaultdict(int) self._graph = graph self._verbose = verbose self._fname_color_map = fname_color_map self._vname_color_map = vname_color_map self._fun2scope = fun2scope self._var2name = var2name def _map_fname_to_color(self, fname): if self._fname_color_map is not None: if fname in self._fname_color_map: return self._fname_color_map[fname] return "lightgray" if "Conv" in fname: return "blue" if "Affine" in fname: return "red" if "Norm" in fname: return "orange" if "ReLU" in fname: return "green" if "Pool" in fname: return "lightblue2" if np.sum([x in fname for x in ["Add", "Sub", "Mul", "Div"]]): return "purple" return "gray" def _map_vname_to_color(self, v, vname): if in self._var2name: return 'pink' if self._vname_color_map is not None: if vname in self._vname_color_map: return self._vname_color_map[vname] return "lightgray" def _map_fname_to_idx(self, fname): self._fname_to_idx[fname] += 1 return self._fname_to_idx[fname] def _map_vhash_to_idx(self, vhash): self._vhash_to_idx[vhash] += 1 return self._vhash_to_idx[vhash] def _var_label(self, var): vname = if != "" else "h" if self._var2name is not None and in self._var2name: return self._var2name[] if not self._verbose: return vname return "{}\n({})".format(vname, "({}, need_grad={})".format(var.shape, var.need_grad)) def _fun_label(self, fun): if self._fun2scope is not None and fun in self._fun2scope: return + '\n' + self._fun2scope[fun] if not self._verbose: return return "{}\n({})".format(, json.dumps( def _var_shape(self, ): if not self._verbose: return "circle" return "" def _fun_shape(self, ): if not self._verbose: return "square" return "box" def __call__(self, f): fname = "{}-{}".format(, self._map_fname_to_idx( # v => f for i in f.inputs: hash_i = str(hash(i)) tail_name = "{}-{}".format(hash_i, self._vhash_to_idx[hash_i]) self._graph.edge(tail_name, fname) fillcolor = self._map_vname_to_color(i, self._graph.node(tail_name, label=self._var_label(i), shape=self._var_shape(), color='black' if i.need_grad else fillcolor, fillcolor=fillcolor) # f => v for o in f.outputs: hash_o = str(hash(o)) head_name = "{}-{}".format(hash_o, self._map_vhash_to_idx(hash_o)) self._graph.edge(fname, head_name) fillcolor = self._map_vname_to_color(o, self._graph.node(head_name, label=self._var_label(o), shape=self._var_shape(), color='black' if o.need_grad else fillcolor, fillcolor=fillcolor) # f self._graph.node(fname, label=self._fun_label(f), shape=self._fun_shape(), color=self._map_fname_to_color(fname), fontcolor="white") self.functor = Functor
[docs] def save(self, vleaf, fpath, cleanup=False, format=None): """Save the graph to a given file path. Args: vleaf (`nnabla.Variable`): End variable. All variables and functions which can be traversed from this variable are shown in the reuslt. fpath (`str`): The file path used to save. cleanup (`bool`): Clean up the source file after rendering. Default is False. format (str): Force overwrite ``format`` (``'pdf', 'png', ...)``) configuration. """ graph = self.create_graphviz_digraph(vleaf, format=format) graph.render(fpath, cleanup=cleanup)
[docs] def view(self, vleaf, fpath=None, cleanup=True, format=None, params=None): """View the graph. Args: vleaf (`nnabla.Variable`): End variable. All variables and functions which can be traversed from this variable are shown in the reuslt. fpath (`str`): The file path used to save. cleanup (`bool`): Clean up the source file after rendering. Default is True. format (str): Force overwrite ``format`` (``'pdf', 'png', ...)``) configuration. params (dict): Parameter dictionary, which can be obtained by get_parameters() function. Default is None. If params is None, global parameters are obtained. """ graph = self.create_graphviz_digraph(vleaf, params, format=format) graph.view(fpath, cleanup=cleanup)
[docs] def create_graphviz_digraph(self, vleaf, params, format=None): ''' Create a :obj:`graphviz.Digraph` object given the leaf variable of a computation graph. One of nice things of getting ``Digraph`` directly is that the drawn graph can be displayed inline in a Jupyter notebook as described in `Graphviz documentation <>`_. Args: vleaf (`nnabla.Variable`): End variable. All variables and functions which can be traversed from this variable are shown in the reuslt. params (dict): The parameters dictionary, it can be obtained by nn.get_parameters(). format (str): Force overwrite ``format`` (``'pdf', 'png', ...)``) configuration. Returns: graphviz.Digraph ''' from nnabla import get_parameters import copy try: from graphviz import Digraph except: raise ImportError("Install graphviz. `pip install graphviz.`") if format is None: format = self._format graph = Digraph(format=format) graph.attr("node", style="filled") if params is None: params = get_parameters(grad_only=False) var2name = { k for k, v in params.items()} fun2scope = {} var2postname = copy.copy(var2name) def fscope(f): names = [var2name[] for v in f.inputs if in var2name] if names: f_names = [os.path.dirname(names[0]), *names[1:]] c = os.path.commonprefix(f_names) fun2scope[f] = c for n in names: var2postname[params[n].data] = n[len(c)+1:] vleaf.visit(fscope) func = self.functor(graph, self._verbose, fun2scope=fun2scope, var2name=var2postname) vleaf.visit(func) return graph