struct nbla::CudnnConvDesc

struct CudnnConvDesc

cuDNN Convolution Descriptor used as a key to find previously used (cached) config.

Public Functions

bool operator==(const CudnnConvDesc &right) const

Operator == compares all elements.

Public Members

int ndim

Dimension of spatial samples.

int device

Device ID.

cudnnDataType_t dtype

Data type.

cudnnConvolutionMode_t mode


int n

Batch size.

int c

Channels of input.

int o

Channels of output.

int group

Number of groups.

bool channel_last

Channels at last dimension (NHWC).

vector<int> sample

Sample size of each dimension.

vector<int> kernel

Kernel size of each dimension.

vector<int> pad

Padding size of each dimension.

vector<int> stride

Stride size of each dimension.

vector<int> dilation

Dilation size of each dimension.

class Hash

Custom hash function for CudnnConvDesc.