class nbla::Variable

class Variable : public nbla::BaseVariable

User interface for Array and passed to Function.Shared pointer of Variable.

Users will create arrays via Variable and pass them to Function. Variable has two array region internally, data and grad. Data region is used as an input and/or output of Function::forward(), while grad region is used for storing backprop error of Function::backward().

Public Functions

NBLA_API Variable(const Shape_t &shape = {})




NBLA_API Variable(NdArrayPtr data)

Constructor given NdArray.


data – A reference of NdArray created by another can be passed.

NBLA_API void reshape (const vector< int64_t > &shape, bool force)


NBLA_API Ptr view ()

Create a new view object without copying data.

NBLA_API Ptr view (const Shape_t &shape)

Create a new view object given shape without copying data.


shapeShape. The total size of the shape must match the size of this instance.

inline Shape_t shape() const

Return shape of variable.

inline Shape_t strides() const

Return strides of variable.

NBLA_API Size_t size (Size_t axis=-1) const

Size of Array (Product of shape dimensions).


axis – Size followed by given axis is computed.

inline Size_t ndim() const

Number of dimensions of array.

template<typename T>
inline T *cast_data_and_get_pointer(const Context &ctx, bool write_only = false)

A shortcut function to cast data and get pointer.

template<typename T>
inline T *cast_grad_and_get_pointer(const Context &ctx, bool write_only = false)

A shortcut function to cast grad and get pointer.

template<typename T>
inline const T *get_data_pointer(const Context &ctx)

A shortcut function to get data pointer.

template<typename T>
inline const T *get_grad_pointer(const Context &ctx)

A shortcut function to get grad pointer.

Public Static Functions

template<typename ...Args>
static inline Ptr create(Args... args)

Create a shared_ptr instance of Variable.