Source code for nnabla.experimental.graph_converters.prune

# Copyright 2022 Sony Group Corporation.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import nnabla.functions as F
import nnabla as nn
from nnabla.parameter import get_parameter_or_create
from .graph_converter import FunctionModifier
import numpy as np

[docs]class PruningModifier(FunctionModifier): """ Use `PruningModifier` to prune the small weight value to 0. The pruning is channel-wise. Using the channel-wise L2 norm to represent the degree of sparsity. If the L2 norm less than the threshold provided, all the value of this channel will be set to 0. Supported pruning functions: `Convolution`, `Deconvolution`, `DepthwiseConvolution`, 'DepthwiseDeconvolution', 'Affine' Examples: .. code-block:: python pred = Model(...) import nnabla.experimental.graph_converters as GC modifiers = [GC.PruningModifier(pruning_threshold=0.1)] gc = GC.GraphConverter(modifiers) pred = gc.convert(pred) """
[docs] def __init__(self, pruning_threshold, functions_to_prune=( 'Convolution', 'Deconvolution', 'DepthwiseConvolution', 'DepthwiseDeconvolution', 'Affine'), channel_last=False): """ Args: pruning_threshold (float): Threshold of the L2 norm. functions_to_prune (list): Functions to pruning. channel_last (bool): If True, the data formnat of network is considered to be NHWC. """ super(PruningModifier, self).__init__() self._channle_last = channel_last self._pruning_threshold = pruning_threshold self._default_fct_set = { 'Affine': F.affine, 'Convolution': F.convolution, 'Deconvolution': F.deconvolution, 'DepthwiseConvolution': F.depthwise_convolution, 'DepthwiseDeconvolution': F.depthwise_deconvolution } self._fct_set = {} for function in functions_to_prune: if function in self._default_fct_set: self._fct_set[function] = self._default_fct_set[function] self.output_channel_axis = { 'Affine': 1, 'Convolution': 0, 'Deconvolution': { True: -1, False: 1 }, 'DepthwiseConvolution': 0, 'DepthwiseDeconvolution': 0, }
def calculate_axis(self, f): function_type = if isinstance(self.output_channel_axis[function_type], int): return self.output_channel_axis[function_type] else: return self.output_channel_axis[function_type][self._channle_last] def modify(self, f, inputs): if not in self._fct_set: return # Prune the weight x, w = inputs[:2] b = None if len(inputs) == 3: b = inputs[2] output_channel = self.calculate_axis(f) shape = list(range(w.ndim)) shape.pop(output_channel) l2_norm_per_channel = np.sum( w.d ** 2, axis=tuple(shape), keepdims=True) mask = l2_norm_per_channel > self._pruning_threshold scope = self.get_parameter_scope(w) w_pruned, b_pruned = None, None with nn.parameter_scope(scope): w_data = w.d * mask w_pruned = get_parameter_or_create( 'w-pruned', w.shape, w_data, True, True) if b is not None: b_data = b.d * mask.reshape((-1,)) b_pruned = get_parameter_or_create( 'b-pruned', b_data.shape, b_data, True, True) h = self._fct_set[]( x, w_pruned, b_pruned, ** return h