Source code for nnabla.parameter

# Copyright 2017,2018,2019,2020,2021 Sony Corporation.
# Copyright 2021 Sony Group Corporation.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from six import iteritems

from contextlib import contextmanager
from collections import OrderedDict
import google.protobuf.text_format as text_format
import numpy
import os
import shutil
import tempfile
import zipfile

import nnabla as nn
from nnabla.logger import logger
import nnabla.utils.nnabla_pb2 as nnabla_pb2
from nnabla.utils.get_file_handle import get_parameter_file_loader, load_files, FileHandlerContext
from nnabla.utils.get_file_handle import get_file_handle_save, get_parameter_file_savers, save_files

# TODO temporary work around to suppress FutureWarning message.
import warnings
warnings.simplefilter('ignore', category=FutureWarning)

current_scope = OrderedDict()
root_scope = current_scope
current_no_grad = False

[docs]def get_current_parameter_scope(): """Returns current parameter scope. """ global current_scope return current_scope
[docs]@contextmanager def no_grad(no_grad_=True): """No gradients for the whole network. No gradients are required when creating a network, such that when the forward pass is executed, all intermediate buffers except for the leafs in the network are gone at the same time, resulting in memory optimization. This is useful for example when an output of a pre-trained network is used for an input to another network, where the first pre-trained network does not need to be fine-tuned, but the other network is optimized. Args: no_grad_ (bool): No gradient flag. Default is True. Example: .. code-block:: python with nn.no_grad(): output0 = <Network0>(<input0>) output1 = <Network1>(<input1>, output0) loss = <Loss>(output1, <ground_truth>) loss.forward(clear_no_need_grad=True) This context also works in the dynamic mode. .. code-block:: python with nn.auto_forward(), nn.no_grad(): output0 = <Network0>(<input0>) Note: When working with the static network, the need_grad property of the input (e.g., input image) must be False and do not forget to add `<root>.forward(clear_no_need_grad=True)`; otherwise, all intermediate buffers are not gone as expected. """ global current_no_grad prev_no_grad = current_no_grad current_no_grad = no_grad_ try: yield finally: current_no_grad = prev_no_grad
[docs]@contextmanager def parameter_scope(name, scope=None): """ Grouping parameters registered by parametric functions listed in :mod:`nnabla.parametric_functions`. Args: name (str): Parameter scope name. scope (OrderedDict, optional): Specify current parameter scope as a local dictionary. The default value is ``None``. In this case, the current parameter scope maintained in global is used. Example: .. code-block:: python import nnabla as nn import nnabla.parametric_functions as PF import nnabla.functions as F with nn.parameter_scope('conv1'): conv_out1 = PF.convolution(x, 32, (5, 5)) bn_out1 = PF.batch_normalization(conv_out1) act_out1 = F.relu(bn_out1) with nn.parameter_scope('conv2'): conv_out2 = PF.convolution(act_out1, 64, (3, 3)) bn_out2 = PF.batch_normalization(conv_out2) act_out2 = F.relu(bn_out2) Nesting `with` blocks allows you to nest parameter scopes. This can also be done by using "/" inside the parameter names. Example: .. code-block:: python with nn.parameter_scope('network1'): with nn.parameter_scope('conv1'): conv_out1 = PF.convolution(x, 32, (5, 5)) bn_out1 = PF.batch_normalization(conv_out1) act_out1 = F.relu(bn_out1) with nn.parameter_scope('conv2'): conv_out2 = PF.convolution(act_out1, 64, (3, 3)) bn_out2 = PF.batch_normalization(conv_out2) act_out2 = F.relu(bn_out2) is equivalent to .. code-block:: python with nn.parameter_scope('network1/conv1'): conv_out1 = PF.convolution(x, 32, (5, 5)) bn_out1 = PF.batch_normalization(conv_out1) act_out1 = F.relu(bn_out1) with nn.parameter_scope('network1/conv2'): conv_out2 = PF.convolution(act_out1, 64, (3, 3)) bn_out2 = PF.batch_normalization(conv_out2) act_out2 = F.relu(bn_out2) """ global current_scope names = name.strip('/').split('/') if not names: raise ValueError( 'Invalid argument of parameter_scope("{}").'.format(name)) prev_scope = current_scope if scope is None: scope = current_scope else: if not isinstance(scope, dict): raise ValueError( 'Scope must be a dictionary. {} is given.'.format(type(scope))) for name in names: parent_scope = scope # When name is empty, the given scope is used as a current scope. if name: # Creates a new scope dict if it doesn't exist. # `dict.get` returns default value (OrderedDict()) # if scope contains `name` scope = scope.get(name, OrderedDict()) assert isinstance(scope, dict) parent_scope[name] = scope current_scope = scope try: yield current_scope finally: current_scope = prev_scope
def get_parameter(key): names = key.split('/') if len(names) > 1: with parameter_scope(names[0]): return get_parameter('/'.join(names[1:])) global current_scope param = current_scope.get(key, None) if param is not None: assert isinstance(param, nn.Variable) return param def pop_parameter(key): """Remove and get parameter by key. Args: key(str): Key of parameter. Returns: ~nnabla.Variable Parameter if key found, otherwise None. """ names = key.split('/') if len(names) > 1: with parameter_scope(names[0]): return pop_parameter('/'.join(names[1:])) global current_scope param = current_scope.get(key, None) if param is not None: del current_scope[key] return param def set_parameter(key, param): names = key.split('/') if len(names) > 1: with parameter_scope(names[0]): return set_parameter('/'.join(names[1:]), param) global current_scope current_scope[names[0]] = param def _create_parameter_by_initializer(initializer, shape, need_grad): # If initializer is not set, just returns a new variable with zeros. if initializer is None: assert shape is not None param = nn.Variable(shape, need_grad=need_grad) # Initialize with zero. return param # Initialize by a numpy array. if isinstance(initializer, numpy.ndarray): # numpy init assert (shape is None) or (tuple(shape) == initializer.shape) return nn.Variable.from_numpy_array( initializer, need_grad=need_grad) # Initialize by Initializer or callable object which takes shape as an argument. if callable(initializer): assert shape is not None return nn.Variable.from_numpy_array( initializer(shape=list(map(int, shape))), need_grad=need_grad) # Invalid initializer argument. raise ValueError( "`initializer` must be either the :obj:`numpy.ndarray`" " or an instance inherited from `nnabla.initializer.BaseInitializer`.")
[docs]def get_parameter_or_create(name, shape=None, initializer=None, need_grad=True, as_need_grad=None): """ Returns an existing parameter variable in current parameter scope with the provided name. If a variable with the provided name does not exist, a new variable is created and registered to the current parameter scope with the name, then returned. Args: name(str): The name under the current scope. If it already exists, the name is queried from the parameter manager. shape (:obj:`tuple` of :obj:`int`): Shape of created parameter. The shape of the specified parameter must match with this shape. The default is None which is only valid if initializer is given as an :obj:`numpy.ndarray`. initializer (:obj:`nnabla.initializer.BaseInitializer` or :obj:`numpy.ndarray`): An initialization function to be applied to the parameter. :obj:`numpy.ndarray` can also be given to initialize parameters from numpy array data. need_grad (bool): Register the parameter with the specified ``need_grad`` flag. The default is True. If the flag is different from the previously specified one, the flag will be overwritten, but the values will be kept. as_need_grad (bool): Get a parameter variable with the specified ``need_grad`` flag. Note that this doesn't overwrite the flag of the registered parameter variable with the provided name. Instead, if the given flag mismatches with the previously registered ``need_grad`` flag, it returns a new variable referring to the same array contents but with ``need_grad=as_need_grad``. Note: It returns a `Variable` which is unlinked from the registered one in the current parameter scope (using :py:meth:`nnabla.Variable.get_unlinked_variable`). That means changing a `need_grad` attribute doesn't affect the variable existing in the current parameter scope. """ # Resolve delimiter '/' in parameter name. names = name.split('/') if len(names) > 1: with parameter_scope(names[0]): return get_parameter_or_create('/'.join(names[1:]), shape, initializer, need_grad, as_need_grad) # Set need_grad if as_need_grad is not specified. if as_need_grad is None: as_need_grad = need_grad # Overwrite as_need_grad if current_no_grad is True global current_no_grad as_need_grad = False if current_no_grad else as_need_grad # Try to find a existing parameter. param = get_parameter(names[0]) # Postprocess for a parameter variable def _returning(v): v = v.get_unlinked_variable(need_grad=as_need_grad) = names[0] return v # If found, verify shape and flags, and returns it. if param is not None: if param.shape != tuple(shape): raise ValueError( 'The size of existing parameter "{}" {} is different from the ' 'size of new parameter {}.\n' 'To clear all parameters, call nn.clear_parameters().'.format( name, param.shape, tuple(shape))) if need_grad != param.need_grad: param.need_grad = need_grad set_parameter(name, param) return _returning(param) class VariableInfo: pass info = VariableInfo() info.initializer = initializer # Create a new parameter using specified configuration, # and write it to current scope.. param = _create_parameter_by_initializer(initializer, shape, need_grad) = info set_parameter(name, param) return _returning(param)
[docs]def get_parameters(params=None, path='', grad_only=True): """Get parameter Variables under the current parameter scope. Args: params (dict): Internal use. User doesn't set it manually. path (str): Internal use. User doesn't set it manually. grad_only (bool): Retrieve all parameters under the current scope if False, while only parameters with need_grad=True are retrieved if True. Returns: dict: {:obj:`str` : :obj:`~nnabla.Variable`} """ global current_scope if params is None: params = OrderedDict() for k, v in iteritems(current_scope): if isinstance(v, dict): with parameter_scope(k): params = get_parameters( params, '/'.join([path, k]) if path else k, grad_only=grad_only) else: assert isinstance(v, nn.Variable) if not grad_only or v.need_grad: params['/'.join([path, k]) if path else k] = v return params
[docs]def clear_parameters(): """Clear all parameters in the current scope.""" global current_scope for key in list(current_scope.keys()): del current_scope[key]
def set_parameter_from_proto(proto): for parameter in proto.parameter: var = get_parameter_or_create( parameter.variable_name, parameter.shape.dim, need_grad=parameter.need_grad) param = numpy.reshape(, parameter.shape.dim) var.d = param
[docs]def load_parameters(path, proto=None, needs_proto=False, extension=".nntxt"): """Load parameters from a file with the specified format. Args: path : path or file object """ if isinstance(path, str): _, ext = os.path.splitext(path) else: ext = extension ctx = FileHandlerContext() if proto is None: ctx.proto = nnabla_pb2.NNablaProtoBuf() else: ctx.proto = proto ctx.needs_proto = needs_proto # Get parameter file loaders file_loaders = get_parameter_file_loader() load_files(ctx, file_loaders, path, ext) return ctx.proto
[docs]def save_parameters(path, params=None, extension=None): """Save all parameters into a file with the specified format. Currently hdf5 and protobuf formats are supported. Args: path : path or file object params (dict, optional): Parameters to be saved. Dictionary is of a parameter name (:obj:`str`) to :obj:`~nnabla.Variable`. """ if isinstance(path, str): _, ext = os.path.splitext(path) else: ext = extension ctx = FileHandlerContext() ctx.parameters = get_parameters( grad_only=False) if params is None else params file_savers = get_parameter_file_savers() supported = save_files(ctx, file_savers, path, ext) assert supported, 'Only supported {}.'.format( ','.join(list(file_savers.keys())))"Parameter save ({}): {}".format(ext, path))